Fellow Conservative,
What a sham… What an absolute sham…
Yesterday, Paul Ryan and the GOP released the text of their 2,000 page OMNIBUS spending bill. I stayed up all night reading the bill and I can’t believe that the Republicans are pushing this through.
We the People didn’t work so hard to take back Congress from the Democrats only to have Paul Ryan give everything away!
There isn’t a thing in this bill that has me, as a conservative, excited. As I said, I read the whole thing and this is what stuck out to me…
· The spending bill completely funds Obama’s radical climate treaty;
· It does nothing to protect the rights of the unborn and Planned Parenthood actually praised Paul Ryan for it;
· A cyber-security bill known as CISA was slipped into the bill to give the government the power to seize data and infringe on American’s online privacy;
· It completely funds Obama’s amnesty agenda and gives illegal aliens access to billions of dollars of tax credits they don’t deserve;
· Paul Ryan’s bill completely funds the sanctuary cities that protect illegal alien violent criminals. Not only that, but it renews funding for the Refugee and Entrant Assistance” program which uses taxpayer money to relocate illegal aliens into your neighborhoods;
· The OMNIBUS bill quadruples the number of unskilled foreigners coming into the country on H-2B visas to replace American workers. More than 250,000 unskilled immigrants would be admitted into the country;
· The Obama administration’s policy of releasing illegal alien convicted criminals from prison will go on unimpeded;
· The bill does nothing to stop Obama from enacting new gun control executive orders;
· And Barack Obama will still be allowed to bring as many Syrian refugees here as he wants without fully vetting them.
The list literally goes on and on.
Here’s the real kicker, though. The bill is expected to pass with “majority Democrat support.” That means that the only reason this bill will pass is because Democrats are promising to vote for it.
Why on earth does the GOP keep surrendering like this?
No more! Force Congress to STOP the Republicans from surrendering to Obama and the Left once again!
On every front, this legislation is a step backwards. The Republicans control a majority in both chambers of Congress. Yet with the spending bill they just unveiled, Democrats might as well have written it. The GOP has betrated you.
You don’t have to just take this lying down! You can fight this.
No one is bound to this bill. If enough constituents make noise over this, Congressmen and Senators will vote against it.
We can stop this. Already, as you read this, Conservative Senators and Congressmen are coming out against the OMNIBUS bill and promising to vote against it.
The Founding fathers gave Congress the power of the purse for a reason. It was designed to be a check against executive overreach and tyranny.
Only you can demand it! Only you can put it in simple terms that these career politicians can understand!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily