Fellow Conservative,
The clock is officially ticking. Obama administration officials have confirmed that Obama will announce his latest gun control executive order in just a matter of days!
On or around January 4th, Barack H. Obama will stand before the American people and announce his plan to unilaterally and unconstitutionally implement gun control by executive order. He plans to rewrite multiple gun laws to force all American gun owners to register gun purchases and transfers with the government.
Right now, if you buy a gun through a licensed gun store, you need to have a background check.
The record of the gun sale (known as ATF Form 4473) stays at the gun store just in case law enforcement needs to trace a crime gun back to its buyer.
But the Obama administration just quietly admitted to keeping these gun purchase records in a database!
One of the Left’s proposals is to ban people on the “no fly list” from buying guns. They are proposing allowing unnamed bureaucrats to restrict someone’s constitutional rights with absolutely no due process protections. There is no way to know whether you are on the list and no way to petition for your removal from the list.
In a push to get this gun ban through, the Obama administration reported that “between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from American dealers at least 2,233 times. And in 2,043 of those cases — 91 percent of the time — they succeeded.”
The government isn’t supposed to know this information. They’re not supposed to know any lasting information about gun purchasers. They are collecting and storing records of every single gun store purchase and then using that data to push for an even larger gun ban!
The one limitation is that the Federal government has no idea who is buying and selling guns privately. There is no background check requirement for private sales, therefore there is no way for the administration to keep a registry of these transfers.
Barack Obama’s plan is to extend background checks to all private gun sales/transfers so that the Federal government can keep a complete record of American gun ownership.
The law is clear. This is illegal.
“The NICS, including the NICS Audit Log, may not be used by any Department, agency, officer, or employee of the United States to establish any system for the registration of firearms, firearm owners, or firearm transactions or dispositions, except with respect to persons prohibited from receiving a firearm by 18 U.S.C. 922(g) or (n) or by state law. The NICS Audit Log will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to detect any possible misuse of NICS data.”
What Obama is doing is illegal and the changes he is proposing are unconstitutional!
And yet, Congress still does nothing.
This is a clear-cut case of lawlessness and unconstitutionality.
Congress needs to stop this. The fact that they didn’t use the OMNUBUS bill as an opportunity to defund Obama’s gun control efforts is shameful. But we have to move forward. We, as sovereign Americans, MUST force Congress to intervene.
Listen… gun registration always precedes gun confiscation. The only way that they could ever round up American gun owners and take their guns is if they knew which doors to kick down.
This may seem like a far-fetched hypothetical – and I hope it never happens – but that is exactly what happened in the UK and in Australia. They banned certain types of guns and then used the registries to go after gun owners who never surrendered their weapons.
If Obama gets away with this, we will start down the path towards nation-wide gun confiscation. That is undeniable.
As Americans, we don’t get to pick and choose what battles we fight. When the Bill of Rights is in the crosshairs, we are called into action.
Benjamin Franklin said that eternal vigilance was the price we pay for American liberty.
The right to keep and bear arms is never more than one generation away from extinction. That is a fact!
That means taking the fight to them the minute a threat materializes. Not after Obama finalizes his executive order… we take the fight to him right now!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily