Fellow Conservative,
Today, Congressional Republicans from both chambers are gathered together in Baltimore for the party’s yearly retreat.
The GOP is spending today huddling and deciding what their plan of attack should be for 2016. This comes on the heels of the White House’s announcement that they would be increasing the total number of “refugees” allowed into the country.
You see, the President has come out and said that he will fight any attempt to limit the number of Syrian refugees coming into the country, even if they pose a threat.
The GOP is examining his threat and deciding today on whether it is “worth it” to fight Obama on this.
No, this is not a joke. The Republican Party is weighing the Pros and Cons of stopping Obama from letting terrorists into the country.
That is exactly what would happen. FBI Director James Comey admitted the Federal Government does not have the ability to fully vet these people. There isn’t a functional database to run refugees’ names against. Syria is in the midst of a Civil War and even if immigration agents did get someone on the phone to verify an identity, ISIS is busy printing new passports for its fighters to defeat the background check system.
Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are debating whether it’s “worth it” to move forward with this…
Yesterday, in the heart of Istanbul, Turkey, an Islamic State suicide bomber detonated his vest and killed 10 innocent people. Just a week prior, this scumbag was at the Turkish border asking for admittance as a refugee.
This terrorist snuck into Turkey pretending to be a refugee and within a week, he was killing people. Istanbul is considered the very edge of the European Continent, by the way.
I know what you’re saying… “That could never happen here.” Well, in order to believe that, you’d need to ignore the two refugees arrested in California and Texas on terrorism charges. You’d have to ignore that the refugee arrested in Texas planned on bombing shopping malls. You’d have to ignore the San Bernardino terrorist who lied on her Fiancee Visa to gain entry into the United States. You’d also need to ignore the fact that Obama is letting the UN decide which refugees can come here.
That’s right… Obama has given our sovereignty up to the UN yet again. They get to decide which Syrian “refugees” are allowed to apply for asylum in the United States.
So when Obama pretends that we are able to fully vet these refugees, it’s a complete lie because we don’t even control the process!
It’s all just madness!
Make no mistake, Obama’s ultimate goal is open borders. He is letting them in as refugees, increasing the number of H1-B and H2-B visas given to foreigners to come steal Americans jobs, and handing out work permits by the thousands to illegal aliens.
If American lives weren’t at risk right now, I’d say this is a complete joke.
But unfortunately, it’s not a joke. Obama is completely serious. He is bringing Syrian terrorists here and daring someone to stop him.
The GOP is asking themselves whether it’s worth it to fight?
You need to tell them that not only is it worth it, but it is REQUIRED of them if they ever want to be re-elected!
Congress must pass the American SAFE Act and halt the influx of Middle East refugees until full background checks are guaranteed!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily