Fellow Conservative,
Whoever your preferred presidential candidate is this year, one thing is clear. If you add up the support that Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina received in yesterday’s Iowa caucus, you are left with 63.2%.
Almost two thirds of the electorate want an outsider. They are tired of the status quo. They are tired of establishment politicians like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan capitulating and surrendering, even though they hold a majority in Congress.
The President and his staff have made it clear that before anything is discussed, Ryan and McConnell will have to agree to fund Obama's gun control executive orders. They said this was non-negotiable.
Despite this clear message, both McConnell and Ryan are meeting today with President Obama. We bombarded the halls of Congress with close to half a million faxes trying to shame them into cancelling this meeting. They've decided to move ahead anyway. They've decided to enrage millions of Conservatives so they could push through Obama's liberal agenda.
They’re meeting to move forward with a united agenda. Yes, you read that correctly. McConnell and Ryan want to see where they can find common ground with the President.
The differences couldn’t be clearer. While the American people are begging for an outsider, GOP leadership literally can’t move fast enough to surrender.
Either they are tone deaf – which would be remarkable – or they realize they are on borrowed time and are pushing through the last of their liberal agenda.
Obamatrade is on the agenda. Gun control is on the agenda. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is on the agenda.
Notice how not one of the topics is even remotely conservative?
The fact that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are even attending such a meeting is a slap in the face to conservatives everywhere.
There is no “common ground” on gun control with the President. There is no “common ground” on amnesty for illegals. There is no “common ground” on the rest of the President’s liberal proposals.
This is betrayal. Flat-out betrayal. They aren’t meeting with Obama for milk and cookies. They are meeting to make deals. They’ll promise to back something like his gun control initiatives, for example, if the President supports entitlement reform. Or they’ll agree to push through Obamatrade as long as the President signs off on new sanctions against Iran.
They realize the clock is ticking. They see that the American people refuse to elect an establishment candidate. So, they know they are running out of time to capitulate to the left’s agenda.
You MUST stop them now! Literally, it is almost too late!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily