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Action Alert: Secret Meetings Being Held Today with Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee!

Fellow Conservative,

Right now, Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, is making the rounds through Congress meeting with Republicans to convince them to hold an up or down vote on his confirmation.

That is the only purpose of the meetings: to move forward with confirmation votes.

Republican leadership won’t say how many Republicans are going to be in the meetings. When asked if it would be more than had already publicly announced their attendance, there was no comment.

This is slipping through our fingers!

The pressure on Republicans to just surrender on this is huge. There are pretty sizeable protests at Republican Senators’ offices, led by MoveOn and other liberal organizations. We are already seeing the resolve start to buckle.

On Friday, the number of Republicans open to a vote was seven, half the number necessary to join Democrats to push the nomination through. If that number is higher today, then we are in big trouble!

Even MORE Republicans are meeting with Obama’s Supreme Court nominee today! Force Congress to hold the line and stop Obama’s SCOTUS nominee from moving forward!

There are efforts behind the scenes to undermine the Conservative opposition to Obama’s Supreme Court pick.

If you ever wondered what RINO truly meant, this is a perfect example. Anyone who supports confirming Obama’s Supreme Court nominee is truly a “Republican in Name Only.”

I know you’re tired of hearing about this but we’re running out of time, folks. This isn’t something that we can just claw back once a vote is held. There is such thing as a point of no return on this and we are getting dangerously close to it.

Right now, the Supreme Court is evenly split between liberal and conservative judges. Amazingly, the Court just handed down a major 2nd Amendment victory, reaffirming Justice Scalia’s Heller opinion. The ruling was unanimous, with all 8 Justices ordering the Massachusetts Supreme Court to reverse its ruling on the state’s ban on stun guns.

The Court ruled that the 2nd Amendment applies to all bearable arms, not just those available at the time of the country’s founding.

This ruling – Heller v DC – revolutionized the way the 2nd Amendment is viewed. It reaffirmed the 2nd Amendment as an individual right unconnected with militia service. When the case was before his court, Judge Merrick Garland voted to rehear and reverse this ruling. If he is added to the Supreme Court, there will be a noticeable swing to the Left on gun rights and many other issues.

The fact of the matter is that this man cannot be confirmed. A growing number of Republicans want to surrender and just push his nomination through. This MUST be stopped!

Don’t give up! Click and FaxBlast Congress to hold firm and STOP Obama’s nominee from moving forward!

We can’t afford to sit on our heels on this one. These meetings are happening in secret, behind closed doors. If they vote to green light this judge’s advancement, there won’t be enough time to stop it.

This is why we fight. This is why we fight every single day. The stakes are simply too high to wait this one out.

Don’t let the RINOs sabotage this!

Don’t let Obama pack the Court with another liberal! Please, FaxBlast Congress and demand they shoot down Obama’s nominee before any more Republicans have time to surrender!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily


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