Fellow Conservative,
Yesterday, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley sat down and met with Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland.
This is the Judge who determined that Americans don’t have the right to own a handgun… This is the judge who overturned the law and gave the federal government the power to keep a database of gun owners.
A month ago, Grassley said this nominee was dead on arrival. Now, he is breaking bread with him.
Democrats are celebrating. Even though Grassley denies it, the Left is counting this as a victory and are preparing for Senate hearings.
If Grassley caves and the Senate holds hearings, then it takes only two Republicans to push Obama’s nominee through. The numbers are there.
Then, it would only take 16 Republicans to push the nominee through completely. The votes are there for that as well.
Grassley is the last obstacle to Obama’s plan to replace Justice Scalia’s seat with a liberal. If he falls, the Supreme Court falls. If the Supreme Court falls, we will likely never see a Conservative victory at the Supreme Court again in our lifetime!
This is a big deal.
We have never been this close to defeat. Even with all of the nonsense that Mitch McConnell and John Boehner have given us in the past, this one takes the cake.
They tell us one thing and then meet behind closed doors, plotting to do the opposite.
I know it is exhausting to keep the pressure up, but your efforts are working!
Just last week, Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) was advocating holding a full vote and risking confirming this liberal judge. We overwhelmed him with so many faxes that he came out and declared that he had rethought his position after listening to the voters.
It’s going to be hard, but we need to keep the pressure on these politicians. We’ve hit the point of no return and if we let up now, the fight will be lost!
Don't let Obama win!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily