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Happening Now: Obama Officials Meeting With UN to Surrender Our Sovereignty

Fellow Conservative,

Right now, the Obama administration is participating in back-room meetings designed to surrender US sovereignty to the United Nations.

Major talks begin today in Bonn, Germany on the implementation of the radical UN Climate Change Treaty.

As you remember, this is the treaty that Obama has signed and pledged to implement in complete violation of the Constitution. A treaty requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate for it to become US law. European leaders have publicly admitted that the goal all along was to design a treaty that could be implemented without Congressional approval.

The goal of the talks that begin today in Germany is just that: Implementation.

Obama administration officials are attending these meetings to figure out ways to accelerate the Climate treaty’s implementation. They are openly conspiring with world leaders to violate the Constitution and surrender American sovereignty.

Please, don’t let this happen!

US sovereignty is being surrendered today. Don’t let them get away with it! Tell Congress to defund Obama’s radical climate change agenda and stop him from surrendering to the UN!

This is the way that Obama plans to push his agenda in these final months. He knows that he can’t get his agenda through Congress, so he is committing to using executive orders to implement international agreements.

Congress has repeatedly shot down Obama’s gun control agenda so what did he do? He went to the UN and signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty. He then sent White House officials down to Mexico late last year to develop implementation strategies. Now, the administration is preparing new regulations to contribute to the UN’s gun control agenda.

All of this is being done without Congressional approval or treaty ratification.

Now, they’re using the same strategy to implement Obama’s radical climate agenda.

Let me be absolutely clear: What Obama is doing in unconstitutional. He is openly violating the Constitution and is actually also in violation of US law as well.

What the administration doesn’t want you to know is that representatives of “Palestine” are also attending the meetings in Germany this week. That might not seem important, but it is.

In 1994, Bill Clinton signed a bill into law that, among other things, contained a provision prohibiting the United States from participating in any UN program or contributing to any agency that “grants full membership as a state to any organization or group that does not have the internationally recognized attributes of statehood.

When the UN Framework Climate Change Convention extended treaty membership to Palestine, it triggered this obscure provision within the law because there is no internationally recognized State of Palestine.

Every dollar that the Obama administration spends on this radical climate agreement is illegal. Every. Single. Dollar. Right now, they are gathering support in Congress to defund Obama’s climate agenda once and for all.

This might seem like an insignificant loophole, but this is the only way for Congress to put a stop to this. As I said, they are gathering support but we are out of time!

Obama has no right to do this! Get loud and FORCE Congress to use every tool at its disposal to stop Obama from surrendering US sovereignty to the United Nations!

If we’re going to defund Obama’s radical climate agenda, it’s going to have to happen now. The talks in Bonn, Germany last through the week.

By the time the conference adjourns, there will be an implementation plan. The Obama White House will have determined how to implement the treaty unilaterally by going around Congress.

Their goal is to fully surrender US sovereignty by the end of the conference then fly back to the United States to unconstitutionally implement it.

They’re banking on the fact that you aren’t paying attention. Most Americans aren’t even able to find Bonn, Germany on a map and the media sure isn’t covering this climate change meeting.

The Obama administration actually thinks they’re going to get away with this!

I know there’s a lot going on in your life. I understand that this is the last thing you were planning on thinking about today.

But if we don’t stop this right now, then our sovereignty will be surrendered to the UN!

Please, FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND that they defund Obama’s plans to implement the UN Climate Treaty and surrender US sovereignty!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily


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