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RINO Surrender: McConnell Officially Agrees to Hold Gun Control Votes!

Our worst fears have been realized. Early this morning, GOP leadership agreed to hold at least two gun control votes in the Senate, and potentially in the House of Representatives as well.

The announcement came at 2 AM this morning. Democrats had been filibustering all day, demanding a floor vote on Obama’s gun control bills, and Senate Republicans finally caved.

There will be two separate votes. The first vote will be on the “No Fly, No Buy” bill to stop suspected terrorists from purchasing weapons and the second will be the reintroduction of same background check bill that Harry Reid and Diane Feinstein tried to ram down our throats in 2013.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell met with the head of Obama’s Department of Homeland Security yesterday and emerged content with putting these measures to a vote. Not as individual bills, mind you, but as amendments to spending bills that are being voted on, imminently!

We thought we had more time, but these votes could just be hours away!

Please, read the entire write-up and take action at the end. It is absolutely imperative that you understand just what the turncoats in the GOP are doing.

Mitch McConnell officially surrendered. He agreed to put Obama’s gun control bills up for a vote. Quick, get loud and DEMAND that Congress remove Mitch McConnell from power if he puts these gun control bills to a vote, as planned!

I want to fully explain why these two proposals will effectively dismantle the 2nd Amendment.

There are only nine reasons, within Federal law, for someone to be prohibited from owning or buying a gun. They will be disarmed/denied if:

(1) They are convicted of a felony or imprisoned for a term exceeding one year; (2) they are convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence; (3) they are a fugitive from justice; (4) they are unlawfully addicted to illegal drugs; (5) they have been adjudicated as mentally defective or involuntarily committed to a mental hospital; (6) they have been dishonorably discharged from the US military; (7) they have renounced their US citizenship; (8) they are an illegal alien; or (9) they are the subject of a restraining order.

Nowhere in the law does it say that you cannot own a firearm if you are the subject of an investigation.

Our entire judicial system is based on the premise of “innocent until proven guilty.” Only after the prosecutor proves guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt” to a judge or jury can someone be disarmed like this.

What the Democrats are doing is turning the entire premise on its head. Instead, people will be presumed to be terrorists and then have to figure out a way to prove they are innocent before they regain their Constitutional rights.

No one wants terrorists to have guns. But giving the Executive Branch the power to suspend an American’s civil rights simply because someone called in an anonymous tip saying that person is a terrorist is flat out unconstitutional.

The same goes for the no-fly list. Again, unlike what we have now – where a prosecutor needs to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt – someone can be added to a no-fly list based on nothing more than a law enforcement officer’s mere suspicion. News reporters have been added to the no-fly list, Ted Kennedy was briefly unable to fly on commercial aircraft because his name appeared on the list, and there are even cases where families were told their 4-year-old child can’t board the aircraft because their son’s name appeared on the no-fly list.

The vast majority of the people on the no-fly list are not terrorists. If they were, they’d be arrested when they tried to board an aircraft, not simply turned away.

The Left’s goal has always been gun confiscation. If this bill passes, it will give the government the power to disarm you without charging you with a crime or even notifying you that you’re under investigation.

Considering the fact that the head of the Department of Homeland Security said again this week that Conservatives pose a greater domestic terror threat than ISIS, it would be suicide to surrender our 2nd Amendment rights like this!

Mitch McConnell has sealed his fate. FaxBlast Congress NOW and demand that he be removed from power if he hold this gun control vote, as planned!

So we already covered how the Left wants to be able to confiscate your firearms, pretty much for any reason, simply by adding your name to a list.

But what if they already knew you were a gun owner? Then, the disarmament process would be simple.

The so-called “Universal Background Check” bill that Mitch McConnell just agreed to hold a vote on is the same version that American gun owners rallied against in 2013.

The Left wants to ensure that every time a gun changes hands – whether it be a gift, an inheritance, or a private sale/purchase – a background check is performed. Right now, background checks are mandated for purchases through licensed gun dealers.

The Left wants to add this standard to private purchases as well. On its face, it seems harmless enough. Except in order to enforce this law, there would need to be a database of who owns each gun, otherwise it would be impossible to verify when guns illegally change hands.

This type of database is explicitly prohibited by federal law. The bill that Mitch McConnell is putting to a vote would literally set up a database and require Americans to register guns with the Federal government.

Every single time a government has forced its citizens to register their weapons, confiscation followed soon after. Every. Single. Time.

This isn’t conspiracy theory stuff. It is what the Left has been demanding for years.

And now, Mitch McConnell is going to give it to them!

If Mitch McConnell goes through with this, he’s toast! Tell Congress to REMOVE the Senate Majority leader when he sides with the Left and pushes these gun control bills through!

It couldn’t be more obvious what the Left is trying to do.

They are demanding a full database of registered gun owners and then demanding the power to disarm said-gun owners without even charging them with a crime.

This is the reality. If these bills pass, the FBI will have a record of every single gun transfer and would be given the power to arbitrarily disarm anyone they want without due process whatsoever.

This is why you fight, because if you don’t stand up and defend the 2nd Amendment, no one will.

The Founders never sad that liberty would be easy. They understood that the Bill of Rights and the freedoms that we enjoy would be under constant assault.

But they accepted it. Benjamin Franklin famously said that any man who would give up his liberty, in exchange for security, deserves neither. He was absolutely right.

If we – you, me, and every freedom loving American – aren’t willing to do everything in our power to stop this treasonous surrender, then we don’t deserve liberty.

I will never stop fighting.

Please, don’t give up now.

We sent 400,000 faxes yesterday threatening to remove Mitch McConnell if he surrendered on gun control. He just did. Send your FaxBlast NOW and demand he be removed from power when he puts these anti-gun bills to a floor vote!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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