Fellow Conservative,
Another horrible attack in Munich, Germany and Obama only seems interested in criticizing Trump’s tone and making jokes about his children. There is nothing funny about it.
Earlier this week, Newt Gingrich gave an amazing speech at the Republican Convention detailing all of the terror attacks across the world that have occurred in the past month.
It is amazing how the day after the RNC ended, that speech had already become dated…
John Kerry just announced that the Obama administration will meet its goal of bringing in 10,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the fiscal year in September.
Countries like Germany and France are learning first hand what happens with unlimited Middle Eastern migration. People are literally dying at the altar of political correctness!
It really is simple: we don’t know who these people are.
Our intelligence establishment says it takes 2 years to fully vet each of these people. Obama has ordered each background check done in 3 months.
How is Obama going to accomplish this?
Well, first, he has given the UN even more responsibility in vetting these refugees. Instead of US agencies being able to decide whether someone should be allowed into the country, the United Nations will now play a larger role in making that decision.
Next, the Obama administration has relaxed the regulations to make it so that even if a refugee is discovered to have provided “limited material support” to a terror group, they will still be allowed into the country. Previously, any evidence of terror support was enough to bar the from entry…
And lastly, Obama has implemented a “good enough” policy. The only way to verify a Syrian refugee’s identity is to call the Syrian government for verification. Not only is the Syrian government operating in a warzone, but the United States is publicly and militarily trying to defeat the Assad regime. This may be the only time in history that country has tried to depose a dictator but then relied on that dictator to vet refugee populations.
It’s just madness.
Here is the question: How many terrorists slipping into the United States would be acceptable?
If 10,000 refugees are coming into the country without being fully vetted, how many of them would have to be terrorists for you to rise up and stop it?
We used to live in a country where even one terrorist slipping through was unacceptable. Based on his actions and rhetoric, it is clear that Obama’s number is larger than zero.
He is willing to accept a terrorist attack if it means fully enacting his refugee policy, just like be believes Americans killed by illegal aliens are just collateral damage in pursuit of open borders.
Want to know the terrifying part? The Obama administration is already talking about increasing the number of Syrian refugees for the next fiscal year.
This has to be stopped!
Earlier this year, the American SAFE Act passed the House of Representatives with a bipartisan, veto-proof majority. This bill would only have required the Obama administration to certify that it performed a background check. However, a handful of Democratic Senators blocked this bill from moving forward in the Senate. Apparently, to people like Harry Reid, wanting the government to prove it is actually vetting these people is too much to ask…
It doesn’t have to end like this. Congress doesn’t have to give up on fighting for us just because Harry Reid doesn’t like a piece of legislation!
When both chambers of Congress can’t agree on a bill, it goes to conference. This is an opportunity for both chambers to work out differences. Then, the compromise bills are put to a vote WITHOUT the possibility of a veto in the Senate.
All it takes is for Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to send the American SAFE Act to conference and then the Democrats will be powerless to block it!
What has become painfully clear over the last few years is that no one will stick up for us… other than us.
We are responsible for the preservation of our rights and we are responsible for demanding safety and prosperity.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans care about us. They only care about re-election.
So you need to get LOUD! You need to make your voice heard and DEMAND that Congress pass the American SAFE Act through conference!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily