Fellow Conservative,
As we have reported, President Obama formally asked the Supreme Court to rehear the immigration amnesty case.
The Supreme Court just formally refused to do so.
The only reason that they would ask for the case to be reheard would be if they expected a different result. So you can imagine the White House’s surprise that it has been denied once again.
Yesterday marked 200 days since Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. With this latest setback, they are rushing to get Garland and other nominees confirmed.
And the Republicans are more than happy to surrender to their desires…
Barack Obama lost his amnesty case because the Supreme Court was tied. That left the Appeals Court ruling (against the administration) in place.
The next Justice added to the Supreme Court will decide whether amnesty is constitutional, whether the 2nd Amendment lives or dies, and whether executive orders stand or fall.
It will take 16 Republicans to vote alongside the Democrats in order to push Garland’s nomination through. That might seem insurmountable, but it is not.
Don’t think it’s possible for that many in the GOP to surrender?
Ten Republicans voted with the Democrats to confirm Loretta Lynch to be Obama’s Attorney General. Those ten were Senators Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (Ohio), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Ron Johnson (Wis.) and Mitch McConnell (Ky.).
But it goes beyond that. There are 58 other Judiciary vacancies. Thanks to Harry Reid’s actions a few years ago, it takes just a simple majority vote in the Senate to confirm these non-Supreme Court judges.
These are the District and Appeals Court positions that will decide the cases before they even reach the Supreme Court.
It only takes 5 or 6 Republicans to surrender in order for these other judges to be pushed through.
There is a reason that Merrick Garland is traveling to visit Senators in Republican states… and there is a reason that his requests for meetings are being accepted.
The GOP is poised to surrender the American Judiciary to the Left for generations to come, all because they would rather have Obama’s liberals on the bench than risk having to confirm Trump’s nominees…
It’s shameful.
The votes are unfortunately there.
There is a minority of GOP Members of Congress who are eager to confirm Obama’s nominees regardless of the outcome of the election.
They don’t care who wins the Presidency. They simply would prefer to let Obama stack the Judiciary with leftist, activist judges.
These turncoat Republicans are counting on you not paying attention. They are counting on you not standing up to fight them.
And it is up to you to prove them wrong.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily