Fellow Conservative,
I don’t know if it can get more unconstitutional than this.
The President has signed the UN Climate Treaty without Congressional ratification. He has begun implementing it by executive action through the Environmental Protection Agency and has already delivered $500 million out of a pledged $3 Billion to finance the treaty’s implementation worldwide.
Earlier this month, both the EU and India formally ratified the treaty. That means that in just three-weeks time, this will go into effect worldwide. And with Obama pledging another $2.5 Billion to finance it, the Leftists believe they have successfully circumvented Congress.
But they are wrong. Congress has the ultimate say in this. Only Congress can determine whether an International Treaty becomes US law.
And Obama knows this. He knows that Congress eventually will slap him down. That is why the Obama administration is working around the clock to implement this heinous treaty as fast as possible. And that includes giving away another $2.5 Billion of YOUR money to the United Nations!
Everyone agrees that the world is a better place with less pollution. But that is not the point.
What we have seen in the final year of the Obama Presidency is an ‘”ends-justify-the-means” mentality.
Congress won’t pass Obama’s gun control agenda? No problem, just sign off on the UN Arms Trade Treaty and implement import/export controls by executive order.
Congress won’t ratify a UN Nuclear Weapons treaty? No problem, just implement it by United Nations Security Council resolution.
Rebuffed by the Supreme Court and Congress over environmental regulations? No problem, just implement the UN climate treaty by executive order and finance it abroad without Congressional approval.
At each turn, Congress has sent the White House a letter saying, “don’t you dare” and each time, the White House moved forward with it anyway.
Sending the White House a sternly worded letter isn’t good enough, not when the President is literally giving away taxpayer money to finance an international treaty Congress never approved. That is what is happening.
Every time you hear about more veterans dying because there isn’t room in the budget to hire additional doctors, remember that Obama is giving away a total of $3 Billion to the United Nations for climate treaty enforcement without Congressional approval.
Here’s the good news. Congress still has to pass a budget. They kicked the can down the road a few weeks back and passed a Continuing Resolution to keep the government funded while Congress negotiates a budget.
There is still an opportunity to defund Obama’s global climate change ambitions, but we are up against the clock!
Every day that Congress doesn’t act is another opportunity for Obama to send even more taxpayer money to the globalists at the United Nations.
It’s another chance for Obama to finance the UN body that, in three weeks time, will have the power to force worldwide compliance with this treaty
Luckily for us, there are still Conservatives in the Congress who are committed to putting an end to this. People like Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are leading the charge to stop this before it’s too late.
But they need your help!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily