Fellow Conservative,
It never ceases to amaze me how utterly spineless the GOP can be.
This week, John McCain made national news when he said that he would continue to fight Hillary Clinton if she wins the election and tries to pack the Supreme Court with leftists.
I was shocked. A RINO promising to fight a leftist?
Within 24 hours, he walked that back and promised that any Supreme Court nominee that a President Hillary Clinton (shudder) would put forward would get a vote in the Senate.
It was a stunning surrender, even for a liberal like John McCain.
But this has kicked off something extremely sinister in the GOP: a renewed push to confirm Barack Obama’s leftist Supreme Court nominee!
The GOP’s logic is stupid, but simple. They don’t want to have to fight forever.
They have blocked Merrick Garland, Obama’s nominee, for 218 days. The thought of them having to stand on principle any longer is terrifying them.
The only thing they care about is being re-elected. They couldn’t care less about preventing the Supreme Court from shifting to the left for generations to come as long. As it means they get to keep cashing that government paycheck…
So, they are gearing up to confirm Obama’s nominee before the next President is elected.
If Trump wins, they can avoid having to vote for a Conservative judge and if Clinton wins, they can say that they settled for someone more moderate than Clinton’s nominees.
The true loser here is the Conservative movement.
You heard Hillary Clinton last night. She declared that she wants to eliminate the individual right to keep and bear arms (by reversing the Supreme Court’s Heller decision) because toddlers sometimes get their hands on guns.
Merrick Garland was on the DC Circuit Court when the Heller case was working its way up to the Supreme Court. When the 3-judge Appeals Court panel ruled that the 2nd Amendment protects an individual right to own firearms, Merrick Garland voted to re-hear the case so he could vote it down.
This is who the Republicans are eager to put onto the bench. On this issue alone, Merrick Garland would be an absolute disaster.
The GOP is prepared to surrender the 2nd Amendment in order to avoid having to wage a public fight on principle. How utterly pathetic…
The only reason these GOP turncoats like Jeff Flake and John McCain are even considering putting another Obama liberal onto the Supreme Court is because they think they can get away with it without suffering electorally.
Only you can prove them wrong!
We are receiving word that one of the last bulwarks has fallen and that a committee vote will be held in just a matter of days.
You can’t allow this to happen. The future of the Republic hangs in the balance.
I understand that there is a lot going on and this is probably the last thing you’re worried about. But that is what these turncoat Republicans are counting on. They are relying on you not paying attention or not caring.
This isn’t an exaggeration. If Merrick Garland, or any other liberal, is placed onto the Supreme Court, the individual right to keep and bear arms disappears.
This is it. This is exactly the moment that the Founders warned us to prepare for.
It is time to fight.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily