Fellow Conservative,
Today, John Kerry will speak before the UN Climate Meeting in Morocco.
As you know, Donald Trump has campaigned on a promise to defund ALL United Nations treaties that Barack Obama unconstitutionally signed onto.
At the top of that list is the UN Climate Treaty. From the very beginning, this treaty was designed to avoid Congressional ratification. I want to make this absolutely clear. The Obama administration worked with its European counterparts so that they could avoid the Constitution’s Treaty Clause.
They just assumed that Hillary Clinton would win and that they could get away with Obama simply signing on by executive order. They were so wrong…
Now, the UN is scrambling to make the agreement as permanent as possible before Trump enters office and that includes taking another $2.5 BILLION from the US taxpayers!
French President Hollande declared that, "the United States, the largest economic power in the world, the second largest greenhouse gas emitter, must respect the commitments it has undertaken.” The UN Climate Treaty, he explains, is “irreversible.”
Do you know what Trump says to that? Challenge Accepted…
Hollande knows full well that his deputies helped to design the agreement to avoid the need for US Congressional ratification. The United States’ role in this deal has been entirely executed by executive action.
Constitutionally, the United States has not made a single commitment, only Barack Obama has. In 66 days, that commitment won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.
Today, John Kerry will give his speech before the UN Climate Meeting and will try to calm them down over Trump’s election.
This task will be made much easier by the fact that he has been given permission to cut the United Nations another sizeable check.
If the Obama administration succeeds in funneling the remaining $2.5 Billion to the United Nations, it will be impossible to claw that money back. President Trump will be able to roll back all of the Obama EPA’s excutive orders, but he won’t be able to get a refund.
$500 million has already been “donated” to the UN Climate treaty. That first payment would have been enough to build 120+ miles of Trump’s southern border wall…
We have reached the end of the line. With Kerry’s keynote address today, it is now or never for the Obama administration to hand over the rest of its pledged funding and finish surrendering our sovereignty to the United Nations…
Congress is officially back in session. If we are going to stop this, it has to be now!
Defund it now,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily