Fellow Conservative,
Did you know that Paul Ryan is still technically suing the Obama administration?
When President Obama announced his amnesty executive order a few years ago, Paul Ryan launched a lawsuit against what he called an “unconstitutional executive order.
Fast-forward to today and Paul Ryan is singing a different tune. Instead of promising to dismantle Barack Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty executive order, Paul Ryan just announced that he was going to be making it permanent.
That’s right. Paul Ryan has declared that he will not allow an immigration bill to move forward in the House of Representatives unless it makes Barack Obama’s amnesty permanent.
Do you feel that? That is what it feels like when you get stabbed in the back…
It is truly remarkable how Paul Ryan thinks he can get away with this.
He truly believes that he can go from suing to dismantle an executive order to trying to cement it into law without consequence.
If I close my eyes, I can remember the press conference where Paul Ryan promised that if the courts didn’t stop Obama’s amnesty, he would.
How we got from there to here is a mystery. But it just goes to show how establishment politicians will say everything to get elected and then do nothing.
Yesterday, when Paul Ryan was asked if Trump would be allowed to dismantle the amnesty program and start deporting people, Ryan responded that Congress was ‘not going to let that happen.’
Paul Ryan has the power to unilaterally decide what bills come to the floor for a final vote and which do not. He thinks that he can use his power to force Conservatives to accept his plan to many Obama’s amnesty permanent.
It is up to YOU to prove him wrong!
It is up to you to force every single Member of Congress to stand against this asinine pro-amnesty agenda!
Paul Ryan’s actions prove that he continues to work for the special interests that fund his campaigns and not for the American people.
Two years ago, my wife interviewed for a teaching job. When she got to the interview, she found out that she was going to be competing with illegal aliens that received amnesty from Obama. She ended up getting the job, but the fact that she had to compete with illegal aliens, all because Obama gave them a work permit, was unacceptable.
What Paul Ryan is doing has real consequences. But he doesn’t care about the crime or the competition over jobs. The only thing he cares about is giving his donors and special interests the cheap labor they demand.
Right now, some in Congress are working on a "compromise" immigration bill. The two sponsors of this legislation are Senators Jeff Flake and Dianne Feinstein. They are calling their bill the Bridge Act (as opposed to the Wall Act).
This legislation would make Obama's amnesty executive orders permanent, block Trump from deporting illegal aliens, and defund his border wall proposal. We now know that Paul Ryan supports this bill wholeheartedly.
Enough is enough!
Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily