Fellow Conservative,
Today, Ben Carson was confirmed as the next Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. It has been nearly 40 days since Trump took office and Democrats are still only allowing three cabinet confirmation votes a week.
But we are starting to see the Left’s strategy. They didn’t have the numbers to defeat these nominees in the Senate, so now they’re trying to smear and impeach them.
The latest is an attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Reports indicate that Mr. Sessions spoke with the Russian ambassador twice last year. Democrats are accusing Sessions of misleading Congress when he testified under oath that he had no campaign contact with the Russian government.
That last part is key: “campaign contact."
Senator Leahy asked then-Senator Sessions explicitly, “Several of the President-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?”
Sessions answered “no.”
Senator Sessions met with 20+ foreign Ambassadors last year in connection with his work on the Senate Armed Services Committee, not as a campaign surrogate. This is completely common.
The left is now trying to paint this as treason. I kid you not, treason.
They will do everything they can to tear this administration down. Don’t let them!
Like clockwork, the cowards in the Republican Establishment rushed to the nearest microphone to denounce their former colleague. I am, of course, talking about Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Both are now calling for a Special Prosecutor to investigate Russia “influencing our election" and they "want answers" on why Sessions would talk to foreign ambassadors.
This is coming from John McCain, a man who just recently took a secret, unapproved trip to Syria to meet with rebel groups.
I want to nip this in the bud. Russia didn’t hack our polling booths. They didn’t spread propaganda to mislead the public.
If Russia was responsible, then they leaked emails belonging to a private citizen, John Podesta, and a non-profit organization, the Democrat Party.
The Democrats are mad because these emails revealed DNC staffers and Clinton campaign workers to be complete scum.
The emails showed DNC staffers discussing using Bernie Sanders’ Jewish heritage to smear him during the primary. They showed Clinton campaign staffers talking about how much they despise Catholics and Evangelical Christians.
The Democrats are out for blood because they were not able to hide their contempt for the American people.
So they’re trying to smear an honorable man. What is pathetic is that there are Republicans so spineless that they are smearing him too.
No one ever said taking our country back would be easy. The alligators and snakes are going to nip at you when you start draining the swamp.
Our fight didn’t end on November 8 or on January 20. It continues every single day.
Democrats are actually talking about impeaching the Attorney General of the United States over literally nothing. And what is even more pathetic is that the Spineless RINOs seem to be jumping on board.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily