Fellow Conservative,
With one stroke of the pen, President Donald Trump can undo dozens of anti-gun “assault weapon” bans across the country.
Last month, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Maryland’s so-called assault weapon ban by deciding that Americans have no right to own semi-automatic firearms like AR-15s.
This ruling was just the latest to spit on over a century of legal precedent.
In 1939, the Supreme Court ruled in Miller v US that Americans have no “right” to own a sawed-off shotgun because they aren’t useful in militia service. Only militarily-usable firearms were considered protected by the 2nd Amendment.
In 2008, the Supreme Court expanded on this definition in Heller v DC and ruled that Americans also have a right to own firearms for defensive purposes.
The precedent is clear. If a firearm is useful for self-defense or for militia service, it is explicitly protected by the 2nd Amendment. The 4th Circuit decided to ignore all of this precedent and eliminate the 2nd Amendment for almost 10 million people living in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and North and South Carolina.
Here’s the good news: The Trump White House is considering stepping in to block this heinous ruling. As Commander in Chief, Trump has the power to list semi-automatic firearms as useful for militia service.
This will stop what the 4th Circuit has done, but the only way to make it permanent is for Congress to do the same!
Every able-bodied American is a member of the unorganized militia. If called upon, they are expected to show up with a personal firearm suitable for militia service.
Since Americans have the right to own firearms that are useful for militia service, then the AR-15 (a semi-automatic version of the standard issue M-16) would obviously be a protected firearm.
What the 4th Circuit did is unconscionable.
Congress has the authority to regulate the militia. The President is the Commander in Chief of all militia units (including the unorganized militia).
Nowhere in law or in the Constitution does the Judiciary have the authority to determine what types of weapons are useful in combat. Nowhere.
The Pentagon just recently chose the Sig Sauer P320 as the new standard issue sidearm. Congress now has the power to decide whether to fund these purchases.
Judges have no role to play in any of this. Even if a leftist activist judge wanted to intervene, they are powerless to overrule an appropriations decision made by the other two branches of government. The same goes for militia-suitable firearms.
So here is what Congress needs to do. They need to attach a very simple amendment to the next must-pass piece of legislation. The language will go something like this:
“Designation of Militia Rifles. Any semi-automatic pistol, shotgun, or rifle, regardless of accessories, attachments, features, ammunition capacity, caliber, or gauge is authorized and appropriate for individual citizens to keep and bear for Militia and self-defense purposes under the Constitution and the laws of the United States.”
This language, combined with a similar executive order, will not only smack the 4th Circuit down, but it would also dismantle every single “assault weapon” ban in the country.
It’s so simple…
Here’s the truth. Thanks to similar gun control decisions in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 9th Circuits, more than 52% of Americans now have no right to own a semi-automatic rifle like an AR-15.
Liberals failed to push their anti-gun agenda through Congress because YOU blocked them. They also failed to get lasting gun control in Obama’s executive order because YOU blocked them. This is thanks to your activism!
So, the liberals turned to activist judges to legislate from the bench and have been slowly cementing their gun control agenda.
The fight is not over simply because Trump won. In fact, the fight is just beginning. This amendment is one sentence that, if signed into law, would undo decades of the left’s gun control advancements.
For years, we have been backed into a corner and forced to fight for our survival. Now, we have the chance to go on offense. We have the votes to push it through. And we have a President willing to sign it.
All that is missing right now is a push from We the People!
Stand and Fight,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily