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Betrayal: GOP Turncoats Want Trump to Recommit to the UN Climate Treaty!

There is a struggle within the White House between the more conservative advisors, like Steve Bannon, and the establishment types vying for the President's ear.

One issue that the White House is actively debating is the UN Climate Treaty.

This week, Energy Secretary Rick Perry met with his G7 counterparts to talk global energy policy. These foreign countries were trying to pressure Perry into re-committing the United States to the UN Climate Treaty. Perry politely told them to pound sand.

EPA Director Scott Pruitt even said on national television that the United States needs to exit from the treaty.

Now, however, the establishment wing of the Trump White House is pressuring the President to re-commit to the treaty. They're afraid America's allies might grow angry if they don't get the $3 billion that Obama had promised them… So, they're trying to convince Pres. Trump to keep Obama's radical international climate agenda on the books.

Not on our watch!

This is our chance to put this issue to bed once and for all. This is our chance to erase yet another unconstitutional Obama legacy from the history books!

Please, help us kill this treaty! Send your FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they withdraw the US from the Climate Treaty that Obama had unconstitutionally signed!

The UN Climate Treaty is, first and foremost, a bad deal for the United States. Under the agreement, we would get hit with all the fees up front while the world's worst polluters, like India, wouldn't have to do anything until the year 2030. The result is that American industries would become even less competitive.

This is an attempt to force Obama-era climate policies down our throats in order to give countries like India and China an even bigger advantage over us.

Even worse, perhaps, is that this treaty's signing and implementation was completely unconstitutional. Obama never even put the treaty through Congress as the US Constitution requires. There was never a ratification vote. And yet, Barack Obama funded the treaty's implementation abroad and implemented it here at home through executive orders.

Last month, President Trump put an end to this domestic implementation by repealing a number of overbearing Obama environmental regulations. But now that it is time to pull the plug on the whole thing, Trump is getting a lot of pressure from establishment Republicans to continue financing this globalist agenda.

The UN Climate Treaty is a bad deal for America and it is completely unconstitutional. 

Please, help us kill this unconstitutional treaty! Send your FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they withdraw the US from the Climate Treaty Obama had unconstitutionally signed!

President Trump promised on the campaign trail that he would dismantle the UN Climate Treaty. Now, there are actually White House advisors advocating that Trump pay the remainder of the $3 billion that Obama promised the United Nations. 

Obama had assumed that Hillary Clinton would win and the UN Climate Treaty would remain funded. When Trump emerged victorious, Obama raided the Federal treasury and sent an additional 500 million to help finance the UN Climate Program.

This has to stop. 

President Trump was right the first time: The United States must withdraw from this treaty.

But the easiest way to do this now is to force Congress to intervene!

Please, help us kill this unconstitutional treaty! Send your FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND that they withdraw the US from the Climate Treaty Obama had unconstitutionally signed!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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