Just days after taking the oath of office, President Trump signed an executive order instructing the Department of Justice to begin devising ways to defund sanctuary cities.
Democrats and Liberals are terrified because the Trump administration has finally figured out how to do this. Attorney General Jeff Sessions just delivered a letter to sanctuary cities and states which demands that grant recipients prove compliance with Federal law.
In order for a city, state, or organization to receive Federal grant money, they can be asked to certify compliance with all Federal laws.
The main federal law that AG Sessions is focusing on is 8 USC 1373.
“A Federal, State, or local government entity or official may not prohibit, or in any way restrict, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.”
Sanctuary cities, by definition, refuse to cooperate with Federal immigration investigations. If an ICE agent calls the San Francisco Police Department to inquire about an illegal alien they arrested, the SFPD will ignore the inquiries.
According to Federal law, this is illegal. It is illegal for sanctuary cities to refuse to cooperate with immigration investigations. Therefore, it is also illegal for these cities to receive even a cent of Federal funding.
Democrats are promising to fight. They are even enlisting the help of some RINOs in southern border states to shut President Trump and Attorney General Sessions down.
Don’t let this happen!
The City of Chicago just approved a new photo ID system that allows city employees and police departments to withhold a resident’s immigration status from Federal investigators.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel – an Obama lackey – actually created a new ID system just for illegal aliens in order to block Immigration agents from working cases in the city.
By definition, this puts Chicago out of compliance with 8 USC 1373. They are conspiring to block Federal agents from obtaining immigration information about Chicago residents.
Do you know how much they stand to lose in Federal funding? At least 3.6 billion.
Factor in the other sanctuary cities across the country and we are talking about tens of billions of dollars.
Do you know how California has responded to their letter from the DOJ? California State Senate Leader Kevin de Leon declared that “it has become abundantly clear that Attorney General Sessions and the Trump Administration are basing their law enforcement policies on principles of white supremacy – not American values.”
No, it is not “white supremacy” to require that the cities and states that receive law enforcement grant money help Federal law enforcement officers. That is just common sense.
But this is just par for the course. They are taking a tactic right out of the Democratic Party’s playbook. Which means they’re terrified.
As you know, Congress MUST pass a budget bill by the end of the week. This bill, among other things, will determine sanctuary city funding for the next year.
Democrats are pushing to insert language that would block Jeff Sessions from going after sanctuary cities.
Don’t let that happen!
Action to defund sanctuary cities has been on the Congressional agenda for years, but Republicans always discover new excuses to kick that can down the road.
Now, we are finally seeing movement on Capitol Hill… but it is to protect sanctuary cities!
That is how backwards this is…
We have a Republican majority in the House and Senate. We have a Republican President begging Congress to take these actions and yet Ryan and McConnell continue to sit on their hands.
The Trump Administration is taking action in spite of Congress and we have seen this on a number of fronts. Congress voted overwhelmingly to cut off Obama’s refugee program. Now that President Trump has taken action to do just that, GOP leadership in Congress decided to leave him out to dry.
The same goes for defunding sanctuary cities.
There are no more excuses. Both Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell promised to take action against sanctuary cities. Now that there is movement in the opposite direction and they’ve gone completely silent.