President Trump is withdrawing from the United Nation’s “Paris Climate Agreement,” fulfilling a campaign promise to remove the United States from a treaty Barack Obama had no constitutional authority to sign in the first place. The President is spending today meeting with his cabinet to formally begin the process before making a public announcement.
With this, Trump has declared war on the Obama holdovers left in the government. For many of them, years-worth of “accomplishments” are about to be undone.
But these Obama-era officials aren’t going to go quietly. It took them years to implement these radical climate change executive orders and regulations. They have the authority to force Trump to take years to undo them. Only an act of Congress can speed this up and make a clean break from the treaty.
The GOP in Congress sent Pres. Trump a letter asking him to withdraw from the UN’s climate treaty. But now it is up to YOU to send them a message demanding that they finish this!
The President is going to take a lot of heat for this. Already, the fake news media is trying to paint this as a bad move that ostracizes our allies. Of course Angela Merkel is angry. She just figured out that the gravy train is over.
What Trump is doing is absolutely necessary to restore the balance of power within the Federal government.
The agreement that Barack Obama negotiated and signed would have stripped America’s manufacturing and energy sectors to the bones and used that money to prop up competing markets in third world countries. Essentially, the UN Climate Treaty is Barack Obama’s wealth redistribution scheme on a global scale.
Instead of putting the treaty through Congress, as required under the Constitution, Obama tried to implement it by executive order. But before he could give away three billion to the United Nations as intended, Donald Trump was elected. Now, the entire agreement is being sent to the trash where it belongs.
But it’s not that simple. Before Obama left, he was able to implement most of his climate agenda by executive fiat. It took him years to accomplish this. If President Trump truly wants to undo it, it will take him years to finalize these regulatory changes.
The government officials who spent years scheming to give away America’s sovereignty are now being tasked with restoring American greatness. They’re angry and are already using every tool at their disposal to slow-walk the changes. The result is that it might take President Trump all of his first term to roll back what Obama has done if he has to do this on his own…
Congress, however, can dismantle Obama’s climate agenda in an instant. All it would take is a one-page bill to repeal it all.
That is what Senator Ted Cruz is pushing for: the complete withdrawal from the UN Climate Treaty. More and more Congressmen and Senators are joining him, but he cannot get this done on his own.
We elected President Trump to roll-back Obama’s radical agenda. He is making good on his promises, but he can’t do it alone. He needs YOUR help to pressure Congress into finishing this!