Anti-Trump liberalism is a mental disease and it is not limited to Democrats. These people are so eager to remove Trump from office that they will use any opportunity to go after him.
After a protest in Charlottesville, Virginia turned violent as white nationalists brawled with Black Lives Matter and Antifa in the streets, the President released a statement condemning violence and bigotry across the political spectrum. The GOP attacked the President over this. Why? Because he had the gall to point out that the Leftists in Charlottesville were also violently attacking people.
The image above puts it in perspective. White supremacy is obviously abhorrent, but that doesn't mean that you turn a blind eye when Leftist thugs, for example, try to light protesters on fire. The Left is furious because for the first time, there is a President willing to call out violent leftist thugs. The GOP is attacking Trump because they're cowards.
Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the rest of the GOP are on vacation. On Saturday morning, President Trump was in a meeting with cabinet officials over how to make sure Veterans get the medical care they deserve. He made his statement condemning all violence while actively working on behalf of the American people. Meanwhile, Ryan and McConnell are on vacation, sipping mojitos or daiquiris somewhere, taking breaks only to criticize the President.
I'm done. I am done sitting back and just letting these spineless cowards sabotage this President!
It really is simple. Ryan and McConnell promised to pass certain agenda items during the first 200 days of Trump's Presidency. Here we are 209 days in and they've done nothing.
This inaction is intentional. During the campaign, Paul Ryan was secretly recorded telling other Republicans in Congress that he would never, NEVER, support Donald Trump or his agenda. Are we really supposed to be shocked that they went 209 days without passing the agenda that you voted for?
And then Mitch McConnell has the gall to blame Trump for having "excessive expectations" for expecting Congress to… do its job.
That forced Donald Trump to issue a blistering response on social media. "Senator Mitch McConnell said I had 'excessive expectations,' but not so. After 7 years of hearing Repeal & Replace, why not done?" When a reporter asked Trump whether he wanted McConnell removed from power, the President said we'll see.
We've already seen. We've seen these cowards waste almost an entire year and refuse to pass the agenda items you voted for. They propped up phony investigations into the President, even though they knew he was innocent. They used every opportunity to attack or undermine the administration.
Why? Because they wanted Hillary Clinton to win. They were perfectly happy with losing the White House. They knew if they actually had the power to repeal Obamacare, for example, they had no intention of actually following through. They resent President Trump because he has revealed many Republicans in Congress to be complete and total frauds.
We have wasted 209 days on these clowns. It's time to clean house.
I have said it before, but I will say it again. If we allow the GOP leadership to filibuster and run the clock out on the Trump Presidency, we will have lost our last, best chance to take this country back.
We simply cannot afford to let these spineless Republicans waste the next three and a half years the way they wasted the last 209 days. It can't happen.
Paul Ryan needs to be removed from power. Mitch McConnell needs to be removed from power. If they want to spend the rest of their days sabotaging the Conservative agenda and undermining this President, they can become Democrats.
Please, stand up and fight. Don't let these cowards waste any more of this precious opportunity we have to take this country back!
It's time to clean house,