We have reached the point where we need fewer than five more votes for the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act to pass!
With the return of Majority Whip Steve Scalise, the legislation now is four votes away from passage, maybe even fewer. While Scalise has not officially co-sponsored the bill, he introduced a nearly identical reciprocity bill a few years ago and has recently declared in interviews that his shooting has only strengthened his belief in the right to carry.
This is the moment we have been waiting for. With the passage of the budget this week, Congress now has a small window where they can pass legislation with just a simple majority in the House and Senate.
By our count, there are now at least 214 Congressmen who support this bill, including three Democrats. That means we need just four more…
The Left is terrified. They are mobilizing all of their resources to try and kill this bill. They know the only way they can win is if they catch you off guard.
But you're not off guard, are you?
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is a pretty simple premise. Constitutional rights apply nationwide and because the right to bear arms for defense is a Constitutional right, it should as well. States should not be allowed to arbitrarily stop law-abiding Americans from carrying firearms in public for self-defense.
Right now, we live under a patchwork system of carry reciprocity laws. If you have a concealed carry permit, you aren't allowed to carry in every state. Each state is able to decide which states' permits they want to honor. Illinois and California, for example, arbitrarily block out-of-state permits.
This bill puts an end to that.
But the bill's author, Rep. Richard Hudson (NC) – went even further when he wrote this bill. Not only would it allow you to carry a gun nationwide – the way the Founders intended – but it would block states from disarming their own residents as well.
If you live in a state like New Jersey or California where the government refuses to honor your 2nd Amendment rights, you would be able to get a non-resident permit from another state like Utah or Florida and then use that to carry nationwide… and in your homestate as well!
This one bill reverses more than a century of liberal anti-gun laws. It would put an end to state gun laws blocking 26% of all Americans from defending themselves. It would force all states to treat concealed carry permits the same way they treat driver's licenses: valid nationwide.
This is the biggest pro-gun bill ever to hit Congress and with Steve Scalise's return, we are now four votes away from victory. The Democrats and RINOs tried to sabotage this bill after the Las Vegas shooting. Together, we buried Congress in over a million FaxBlasts demanding they hold the line. Now, we are picking up momentum again!
Please, help us push this pro-2nd Amendment bill across the finish line!
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA) has also signed on as a co-sponsor. He also happens to be the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, the committee that will decide whether the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act makes it to the floor. With him signing on, there is now no longer any doubt. There will be a vote!
And President Trump has already promised to sign the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act into law when it reaches his desk.
Now, it is just up to us to force a vote!
This is moving forward. Right now, the Left is still scrambling to stop this. They are rallying all of their rabid gun control activists to try to scare Congress into abandoning the right to bear arms.
They are terrified because they know that they are this close to losing everything.
Don't let this moment pass. You can carve your name into the history books and restore the 2nd Amendment for ALL Americans living in ALL states!
Don't back down,