You can always tell where the GOP's priorities are when the clock starts running out. By the end of next week, Congress must pass a number of spending bills, otherwise the government will shut down.
Trump has said that if Congress doesn't include approval for his southern border crackdown — including funds for a border wall and more Border Patrol agents — he will shut it down himself.
Last week, I told you that Republicans were talking behind the scenes about using the government shutdown as leverage to push for amnesty for all of Obama's illegal aliens. Well, now these spineless swamp creatures are going on the record!
Lindsey Graham was interviewed over the weekend and asked whether there would be a government shutdown if Congress doesn't make Obama's amnesty permanent. "In Congress, anything is possible," he told CNN, "I think it would be sad to miss this opportunity."
He continued, "I think most Americans want to get these DREAM Act kids a more certain life. So, let's do it in December, let's do it for the good of the country, let's take care of a lot of problems at one time to show the country we can actually function."
Graham voted against the amnesty bill the last time it was put to a vote. However, that was before his last re-election. Now, he has apparently changed his mind and is taunting his constituents. If you don't like that I am going to vote for amnesty, Graham said earlier this year, "don't vote for me."
This is happening. These cowards used to be afraid of supporting amnesty because they knew it would mean being removed from office. You MUST put that fear back into them!
He isn't the only Republican to surrender on this. This month, word leaked out that Paul Ryan had promised liberals in Congress that there would be an amnesty amendment in this year's spending bill. He told them he "plans to include a legislative fix for undocumented immigrants [illegal aliens]… in a year-end spending deal."
We blew the whistle on this and bombarded Congress with a quarter million FaxBlasts in a single day. That forced Paul Ryan to seemingly backtrack. However, we are learning now that amnesty is back on the negotiating table.
This is going to happen fast. The GOP knows that if they let this sit out there too long, you and other likeminded conservatives will force them to abandon their amnesty plans. That's why they have kept this under wraps for so long.
For RINOs like Lindsey Graham to come out and admit their plan, they must think they have the votes!
When Democrats and RINOs tried to pass their Gang of Eight amnesty bill a few years ago, we hit Congress with just over a million FaxBlasts forcing them to stand down. They did. The bill ultimately never made it to a vote in the House.
Now, they are gearing up for another go at this. They think they can catch you sleeping and avoid having to deal with the millions of calls, letters, emails, and faxes.
You must prove them wrong.
All year, Congress has blocked President Trump's agenda items from reaching his desk. Now, at the eleventh hour, they want to push through amnesty for all of Barack Obama's illegal aliens. And they want you to just accept it.