Everything we have been fighting for over the past three years now comes down to this. The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would tear down a century of state-level anti-gun laws and restore the right to carry to all law abiding Americans in all fifty states!
After blocking the bill for an entire year, Paul Ryan has finally relented. Today, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act will get a mark-up hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. The timing is perfect because Democrat John Conyers just resigned from the committee, meaning there is one fewer Democrat to block it.
But we're not out of the woods yet. "Mark-up" means edits. The RINOs are already pushing to reduce the pro-gun measures and replace them with Dianne Feinstein's latest gun ban legislation! That's right. Moderate Republicans want to edit the bill to actually go after gun rights instead of expand them.
As it currently stands, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would allow licensed concealed carry permit holders to use their permits nationwide. If they live in a state that has permit-less or constitutional carry, then they would be allowed to carry nationwide without a permit as well.
And most importantly, for those living behind the gun control iron curtain in states like New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, and California, they would be allowed to get a non-resident permit from Utah or Florida and use that to carry nationwide… including in their home state!
This is a big deal.
When we started pushing for this legislation, it was nothing but a pipe dream. But as we started bombarding Congress, we noticed more and more Congressmen and Senators coming on board after every blast.
Now, we are finally going to start seeing votes.
If this makes it through committee today, then it will be on to the floor for a full vote! But the Democrats and moderate Republicans know this is their last chance to edit and weaken the bill! Don't let them!
We are so close to victory. We are so close to restoring the Constitution's promise of a right to carry firearms for self-defense nationwide.
After a year of GOP obstruction, including Paul Ryan pulling the bill from committee multiple times, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is finally getting a committee hearing today!
It is up to all of us to get loud and force it through and onto President Trump's desk!
Everything we've been fighting for comes down to this…