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GOP Traitors Are Moving Forward With Making Obama’s Amnesty Permanent!

Since the 2016 election, Congress has had to pass four spending bills to keep the government running. The fifth bill must be passed by the end of this week, otherwise there will be a government shutdown.

The House has unveiled its measure to kick the can down the road again and, for the fifth time since November 2016, it will not include funding for President Trump's southern border wall.

Eight border wall prototypes have already been built along the southern border. On December 6, agents from Border Patrol have started testing the prototypes. In the coming weeks, we will have one or more final designs.

Ryan and McConnell are making sure that when the designs are picked, Trump won't be allowed to begin construction. Instead, they are negotiating a plan to make Obama's amnesty plans permanent.

For most of the year, illegal immigration had plummeted to near record lows. However, since the GOP establishment started plotting an amnesty push, illegal aliens have started crossing the southern border at near-Obama levels. They hear that the Republican leadership is about to give amnesty away and they want to get in.

Just two days ago, four GOP Senators met with top Senate Democrats to discuss a way to permanently put Obama's DACA amnesty executive order into law. These Senators were Lindsey Graham (SC), Thom Tillis (NC), Jeff Flake (AZ), and Cory Gardner (CO) and they're confident they can get an amnesty deal done with or without Conservatives. Their plan would legalize 3 million illegal aliens.

On the House side, almost three dozen "moderate" Republican Congressmen sent a letter to Paul Ryan demanding that he schedule a vote to pass amnesty before the end of the year. If these men and women decide to join the Democrats and sign onto a discharge petition, they could technically bypass Ryan entirely and force a vote on amnesty. They would be able to pass it with nine votes to spare.

It's here. The moment we have been fighting against has finally reared its ugly head. The GOP is about to surrender on amnesty and give the Democrats everything they want… including an open border!

Stop this amnesty plot! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them fund Pres. Trump's border wall and kill this latest amnesty surrender!

President Trump has always been clear on this. Once Congress passes his immigration agenda, then and only then will he even consider any of the Left's immigration demands. The White House sent Congress a list of 70 immigration demands that would have to pass before the President would ever consider agreeing to their plan. They include building the wall, increasing border security, getting rid of loopholes 

The GOP leadership? They've ignored Trump's demands and are actually moving forward with their plan to put an amnesty bill on his desk.

We caught Paul Ryan trying to put the amnesty bill into the end-of-the-year spending package. We forced him to stand down and promise that amnesty would be a separate issue. He lied. Both the spending bills and amnesty legislation are being pushed simultaneously.

Not only that, but the budget bills have been deliberately written to BLOCK Trump from building his border wall. That is right, they actually include language prohibiting a wall from being built. For six years, the GOP was too terrified to use the power of the purse against Obama. But now that Trump is in office, they are using the power of the purse to stop President Trump from securing the border.

This surrender is cowardly, even for Ryan and McConnell.

Don't let them get away with this!

Don't delay! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them fund Pres. Trump's border wall and kill this latest amnesty surrender!

This is the surrender we feared. Ryan and McConnell have promised a vote on amnesty and there are enough turncoat Republicans onboard to pass them.

They are sabotaging Trump's immigration agenda and making Obama's amnesty executive order permanent. Meanwhile, excited illegal aliens are streaming across the border, looking for the amnesty that Democrats and Republicans have promised them.

We need your help to shut this down!

Don't let the GOP stab you in the back! Please, send your instant FaxBlast to Congress and FORCE them fund Pres. Trump's border wall and kill this latest amnesty surrender!

Stop the surrender.

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