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Trump Drops Hammer on United Nations: No More US Funding!

Fellow Conservative,

The United Nations Security Council tried to pass a resolution against the United States for Pres. Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital (which US law literally requires). Nikki Haley vetoed the resolution. The vote was 14-1.

But the globalists at the United Nations aren't finished. They are holding an emergency vote before the FULL body — all 194 countries — to go after the Trump administration.

What was President Trump's response?

"All of these nations that take our money and then they vote against us at the Security Council or they vote against us, potentially, at the Assembly… They take hundreds of millions, even billions, and then they vote against us. Well, we're watching these votes. Let them vote against us, we'll save a lot. We don't care."

Already, countries are trying to say that Trump is bluffing. Ambassador Haley responded that the United States is "taking names." 

President Trump is doing everything he can to pull the plug on these globalists and cut off the ridiculous aid package that Barack Obama promised other countries. But he needs Congress to finish this!

Join Trump's war against the UN globalists! Send your FaxBlast to Congress and force them to give the President all of the power he needs to cut off aid to these pathetic countries!

One of the greatest pleasures of the past year has been to watch the United Nations globalists squirm after fully realizing that they no longer had an ally in the White House willing to do whatever they wanted him to.

On every issue, Trump has taken the fight to the UN.

Now, the very countries that receive billions in aid from the United States every year want to pass a resolution against us.

Enough is enough.

Congress must vote today or tomorrow on a budget. They must decide whether to keep these aid programs going or give the President the authority to shut them down. It is up to us to force them to end this nonsense.

President Trump is doing everything he can to claw back the Obama administration's policies and start putting America first again. But he needs your help to finish this. He needs your help forcing Congress to give him the power to cut off these countries' aid!

 Join Trump's battle against the United Nations globalists! Send your FaxBlast to Congress and force them to give the President all of the power he needs to cut off aid to these pathetic countries!

The UN General Assembly is voting right now to condemn the United States as I am writing this. President Trump warned them and these countries don't think he is serious. They think he's bluffing.

Let's finish this. Let's pull the plug on these idiotic aid programs.

This is a critical moment in history that is happening at just the right time. 

Help President Trump cut these countries off for good!

No more! Tell Congress right here and right now to give Pres. Trump the power to cut off aid to the United Nations and every country that votes against us!

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