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Take Action: The Vote to Release the Memo is Happening Today!

Today, the House Intelligence Committee will vote on whether to release a classified memo detailing how out-of-control the witch hunt against Trump is. According to members of Congress, the memo will name names and fully explain how this sham witch hunt targeting Trump began. 

With the bombshell memo about to be released, Democrats are trying to selectively leak things to control the narrative. This morning, the New York Times published that Trump's own Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is the one who approved surveillance warrants against Trump campaign associates.

If that name sounds familiar, it should. Rosenstein is the one who first recommended that Trump fire James Comey. Rosenstein is also the one who appointed Robert Mueller as the Special Counsel and is now overseeing the Trump witch hunt.

After a year, investigators haven't found a shred of evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. Peter Strzok, the anti-Trump FBI agent who started the investigation, admitted multiple times in text messages that there is 'no there there.' Mueller has abandoned the "collusion" investigation and is now investigating Trump for 'obstruction of justice.' Why? Because he exercised his Constitutional authority and fired James Comey on the recommendation of Rod Rosenstein.

Trump is now being investigated for firing James Comey by the very man who recommended that Comey be fired and even signed off on the bogus FISA surveillance warrants against the Trump campaign.

This is the Deep State in action and they must be stopped!

Force Congress to Release the Memo! Send your instant FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress fully release the memo and reveal the Deep State's crimes!

The Department of Justice is scrambling to stop the memo from being released. They are accusing Conservatives in Congress of putting National Security at risk. They don't want the world to see all of the laws they broke to protect Hillary and go after Trump.

The President isn't having any of it. He has ordered Attorney General Jeff Sessions to allow the memo to be released. Under the President's orders, the DOJ is to cease all attempts to block Congress from releasing the bombshell memo.

Democrats are scrambling to stop its release, threatening legal action if Republicans make good on their promise and show the American people how corrupt the Deep State actually is… And it's not just Democrats, either. RINO Senator Lindsey Graham (shown above bowing his head in shame) is also trying to block the memo from being released. How pathetic…

The vote will happen this week. Conservatives are hopeful that it could come as soon as today. But the Establishments of both parties are doing everything they can to stop it.

They have spent the past year working behind the scenes to undo the 2016 election and reverse the will of the American people. Of course they're fighting to stop their crimes from being exposed…

We need to fight with everything we've got. This is our chance to tear the entire Deep State down and hold these criminal bureaucrats accountable!

 Force Congress to Release the Memo! Send your instant FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress fully release the memo and reveal the Deep State's crimes!

The Deep State is scared. The Democrats are scared. Establishment Republicans are scared.

They honestly thought they would get away with it. They truly thought that they could work to undermine the President without their crimes ever being revealed.

Now, we have a chance to expose all of them. 

Don't let these rats get away with this! Seize this moment and fight back!

Force Congress to Release the Memo! Send your instant FaxBlast and DEMAND that Congress fully release the memo and reveal the Deep State's crimes!

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