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This One Loophole Will Get Hundreds of Thousands of Illegals Deported

Congress is inching closer to an immigration bill. At first it looked like the GOP was caving to the Democrats by offering amnesty to illegal aliens, but it is becoming clear that this "offer" was designed to reveal Democrat hypocrisy. They don't care about illegals. They only care about using illegals…

Still, it looks like any immigration bill that reaches the floor will contain some sort of provision to allow illegal alien "dreamers" to stay in the country.

We have a very simple proposal: cross reference this list of illegal aliens against the Selective Service registry.

Under US law, citizens and immigrants alike must sign up for Selective Service, aka the military draft. The government has been clear that this applies to "undocumented immigrants" just as much as it applies to citizens.

What percentage of illegal immigrant men do you think signed up for the draft within 30 days of their 18th birthday or within 30 days of entering the US? Failure to do so is a felony.

Even under the RINOs' immigration proposals, felonies would disqualify illegal aliens from receiving amnesty. And yet, the Obama administration did not cross reference the Selective Service System's database when accepting DACA amnesty applications. In fact, the previous administration actually encouraged bureaucrats to turn a blind eye to illegal aliens' criminal records. 

We are talking about hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens being deported, regardless of what amnesty the Establishment cooks up. 

Send your instant message and FORCE Congress to cross-reference all of Obama's amnesty recipients against the Selective Service registry and deport everyone who committed a felony by not registering for the draft!

All we ever hear is that illegal aliens represent the best of America. Nancy Pelosi even called them "Americans" this week.

Whenever the Left wants to prop up DACA, they mention that there are illegal aliens serving in the military who deserve protection. These are the illegal aliens that Obama purged the military to make room for. There are currently 900 illegals serving in uniform.

While I disagree with how they got into the service, anyone who puts on an American uniform and fights for this country deserves the right to pursue citizenship. But illegal alien military personnel make up just 0.05% of the people that Obama gave amnesty to. What percentage do you think signed up for selective service? How many zeros do you think are after the decimal point?

The current GOP proposal would grant residency to 1.8 million illegal aliens. Polling suggests that 47 percent of "dreamers" are men. That means that the GOP is talking about putting close to 850k illegal alien men on the pathway to citizenship.

How many of those "dreamers" do you think loved the United States of America enough to offer to sign up to potentially die for it?

I remember signing up for the draft when I turned 18. I wished I didn't have to, but understood that was just part of being an American. Countries like Israel and South Korea have mandatory military service, the least Americans can do is offer to serve if absolutely necessary.

All we hear from the illegal aliens day-in and day-out is that they're "Americans" too.

So, let's call their bluff.

Force Congress to cross-reference all of Obama's amnesty recipients against the Selective Service registry and deport everyone who committed a felony by not registering for the draft!

Illegal alien men who come of age in the US or enter before turning 26 — which is all of the so-called "dreamers" who were brought to the country as children — must register for the draft. Anyone who doesn't, commits a felony. Any illegal alien who commits a felony is automatically barred from receiving amnesty or citizenship and put on the fast-track for deportation.

The database is just sitting there. Congress has the power to take amnesty off the table for hundreds of thousands of illegals with a single vote.

It is up to YOU to force that vote!

Send your instant FaxBlast and FORCE Congress to cross-reference all of Obama's amnesty recipients against the Selective Service registry and deport everyone who committed a felony by not registering for the draft!

Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily

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