Well, that was fast. Before casualty totals were even tallied, Barack Obama was back involved in American politics, demanding new gun control laws.
Obama's first foray back into American politics was a demand to pass "common sense gun safety laws."
This is the left's focus group-tested buzzword that they think they can fool you with. But what they are really demanding is a new gun ban.
Back in 1994, Democrats imposed the first gun ban on the American people. They declared that banning guns based on their cosmetic features would keep Americans safe. Five years after their gun ban, Columbine happened. The two deranged students didn't use banned guns. They used ban-compliant weapons.
Feinstein hit the ground running yesterday, declaring that her Assault Weapon Ban was ready for a vote. Democrats are circulating the bill, hoping to use a seldom-used parliamentary procedure called a "discharge petition" to force the GOP to let a vote happen.
Typically, the GOP leadership decides what bills get voted on. But if a piece of legislation can gain 218 co-sponsors — enough to pass — they can force the leadership to hold a vote.
It is up to you to stop this!
The Democrat motto is to never let a good crisis go to waste. Before the shooter had even been apprehended or questioned, Democrats were already front-and-center on all the news shows demanding more gun control.
The shooter — who we will not name — purchased his gun legally. He passed the background check. He could have used any weapon. Just this week, Federal Agents arrested an former-High School teacher for building bombs to attack a school. He was hiring people to break open fireworks and compile all of the explosive powder.
The deadliest school killing in US history happened in 1927 in Bath Township, Michigan. The school board treasurer had a mental break, locked children inside the school, and then detonated fire bombs.
Crazy and hateful people will literally find a way. Democrats know this. They know that their gun bans have never stopped mass shootings. But they are committed to disarming as many Americans as possible.
We have fought this fight before. In 2013, Democrats and Liberal Republicans came just a few votes shy of imposing their gun control agenda on us all. Now, Barack Obama is coming back into the fold to try again.
It is your duty to fight back!
President Trump is holding firm. Despite all of the pressure around him to give into the left's gun control demands, he is refusing to violate his promise to uphold the 2nd Amendment.
Congressional Republicans? Not so much. I warned you yesterday how spineless Republicans were running away from pro-gun bills. Today, they are being lobbied heavily by Democrats to cave.
If you don't fight back, then the only people these Congressmen and Senators will hear from are the anti-gun activists. The only piles of letters and faxes they'll get are from people hell-bent on dismantling the 2nd Amendment.
Being a Constitutional Conservative is not an easy path. It requires constant vigilance because we are always just a handful of votes away from losing it all.
The Democrats are pushing their assault weapon ban and actively trying to get the votes to force a vote on it. Barack Obama is even joining in to pressure Congress to ban hundreds of types of firearms.
Fight back before it is too late!
Don't give an inch.