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Breaking: Deep State Now Trying to Destroy Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee!

I have never seen this before. 

You know Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein? The man who is overseeing the Trump-Russia witch hunt? 

He just sent an email to all US attorneys demanding they provide prosecutors to "help in connection with President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court."

You read that correctly. The man who appointed Robert Mueller and is allowing him to go off the rails is now using US Attorneys to investigate Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

In the past, a handful of lawyers at the DOJ have worked on judicial nominations here and there. But this is entirely different. Rosenstein is looking to hire 100 full-time prosecutors to pore through Judge Kavanaugh's record. Not lawyers, but prosecutors.

Rosenstein is trying to launch a full investigation into Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

He has gone too far! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE Congress to shut Rod Rosenstein down!

Robert Mueller's witch hunt has dozens of lawyers working on their witch hunt. Rosenstein wants almost ten times as many to investigate Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Except, Rosenstein isn't just asking for lawyers. He is specifically conscripting prosecutors, individuals who have the ability to bring criminal charges against him.

This is absolutely unprecedented and even the New York Times is admitting that this morning.

In the Soviet Union, Josef Stalin had a saying: "You show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." The idea is that no one is truly innocent. If you investigate long enough, you'll find something he or she did that was illegal. And if Stalin couldn't find a crime, he would invent one out of thin air anyway.

That is what is happening here, both in the Mueller witch hunt and now the "vetting" of Brett Kavanaugh. It is shameful.

Congress has the power to put a stop to this. They have Rod Rosenstein dead to rights on Contempt of Congress charges. But Paul Ryan has refused to allow Conservatives like Trey Gowdy to bring the charge forward. 

Today, Ryan is asking for Congress again to give Rosenstein more time. Instead of complying with Congress' subpoena, he is off launching an investigation into Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

The American people elected Donald Trump and now the Mueller investigation is a Deep State attempt to reverse that. 

The same is true in the Senate. The American people elected a Republican majority, one that is poised to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Once again, the Deep State is trying to intervene…

Fight back! Send your top-priority FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE Congress to shut Rod Rosenstein down!

Yesterday, we bombarded Congress with close to a quarter million FaxBlasts demanding that they use every tool at their disposal to stop these deep state agents. It is not a coincidence that Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) came out and called for Congress to arrest these traitors and put them in handcuffs. Yes, the first Congressman has now come forward demanding that these traitors be arrested.

Rosenstein believes he is untouchable because Paul Ryan has made him untouchable. Now, he's going after Brett Kavanaugh.

He must be stopped. Not in a week… not in a month… NOW!

Stop this deep state coup d'etat! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress right now and FORCE Congress to shut Rod Rosenstein down!

Arrest him now,

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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