Back in June, Democrats pushed a "discharge petition" to try to force a vote on their radical immigration plan. Their bill would not only block funding for a border wall, but would put all of Barack Obama's illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship. Under their plan, these illegals would start voting before the end of Trump's second term.
Under the current rules, Congressional leadership gets to decide which bills come up for a vote in the House or Senate. If Ryan or McConnell don't want to vote on something, they can block it indefinitely. A discharge petition, however, bypasses the leadership entirely. Basically, if 218 Congressmen sign onto a discharge petition, then they can bypass Ryan and force a vote on whatever they like.
The Left's amnesty discharge petition ended up only getting 216 signatures. They fell two short and the petition expired.
Now, we know why they fell two votes short. Reps. Dennis Ross (R-FL) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA) were just minutes away from signing onto the petition when Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy intervened. They promised Ross and Newhouse a vote on an immigration bill to bring more guest workers into the country if they didn't sign onto the Left's amnesty plan. They didn't promise the laborer bill would pass, only that they would put it up for a vote before August. Ross and Newhouse agreed and the Left's petition fell two votes short and expired.
Well, that guest worker bill never reached the floor. Ryan reneged on his deal and now Reps. Ross and Newhouse are angry and telling Democrats they're ready to deal on immigration!
It takes 25 Republicans joining all Democrats to pass a discharge petition. The left had 23, now they have the magic 25.
They have the votes to force a vote AND pass the amnesty bill by a tiny margin. That would mean an end to border wall construction and an announcement to the entire world that illegal immigrants are rewarded with citizenship. I don't need to tell you how catastrophic that would be for this country.
Here is the good news. The discharge petition has not been finalized. They may have 25 commitments, but there aren't 25 signatures on the paper yet. Because of how Congress operates, when the first discharge petition failed, they now have to start over with collecting signatures. Since it is the weekend, they can't exactly get all of the Congressmen in the same room.
We have an opening to stop this.
Before they started using the discharge petition, the Left tried to push this through as a standalone bill. Officially titled House Resolution 774, the bill started racking up Republican and Democrat co-sponsors. It was poised to pass easily.
We started hammering Congress this amnesty surrender every week, making sure Members of Congress understood the consequences of supporting this asinine legislation.
In March, we got one Congressman to withdraw his name from the bill. In April, two more pulled off. In May, four Republicans abandoned the amnesty plan. The leadership decided to pull the bill to stop the bleeding, which is what prompted the Left to resort to the discharge petition.
The point is, we can win this. There are just 87 days left until the midterm election. Every single Congressman and 1/3 of the Senate are up for re-election. They are only backing this amnesty surrender plan because they think it will help them win re-election.
We forced seven Congressmen to abandon the plan before by threatening to remove any legislator who signs onto the petition. But now that the Democrats have Republicans number 24 and 25, we are running out of time.
Stop these backstabbing Republicans right now!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily