Breaking News: President Trump just announced that he will declare a National Emergency to fund the border wall project on his own!
When Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer gave their "rebuttal" to President Trump's address, they promised that they would negotiate over the border wall in good faith if Trump would simply re-open the government and end the shutdown.
Yesterday, President Trump brought Democrats to the White House. He asked them point blank if they would fund the border wall if he re-opened the government. Both Pelosi and Schumer said "no," so Trump walked out of the meeting.
This morning, as Trump was boarding Marine 1 en route to survey the southern border, Trump announced that he was "probably" going to have to declare a national emergency over the crisis at the border.
The GOP leadership immediately lashed out and demanded that Trump stand down. They would rather cave and leave the border unsecure than to have President Trump do it alone!
In 1976, Congress passed the National Emergencies Act and expressly gave the President the power to use discretionary funds to combat national emergencies.
President Trump wouldn't be the first to use these powers. Every President since '76 has used emergency declarations to fund vital projects. Right now, there are no less than 30 active national emergencies still in place that were declared by previous Presidents.
The law and the constitution are firmly on the President's side. The establishment, however, is ordering Trump to stand down. They are actually threatening to block Trump from starting border wall construction if he moves ahead.
You see, the GOP leadership has a different plan. Instead of Trump using 20+ billion in discretionary funds to build the entire border wall, they want to give him just a fraction of that and trade it for amnesty for almost two million illegal aliens in the country.
Republicans like Graham and McConnell do not want to lose the opportunity to make all of Obama's amnesty programs permanent…
The White House is saying that President Trump's declaration could now come at any time. Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress are rushing to try to block him.
Don't let them win!
This isn't something we can compromise on. The border is either secure, or it isn't.
But now, Republicans and Democrats are trying to stop the wall from going up. President Trump understands this and he is doing everything he can to get it done, but he needs YOU to hold Congress' feet to the fire!
Now is the time to fight,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily