President Trump is sticking to his guns. 28 days ago, the President told Congress that he would not sign any spending package unless it included full funding for the border wall.
Pelosi has pushed through legislation to fund the entire government but also block the border wall. To his credit, Mitch McConnell has blocked this bill THREE times from coming up for a vote in the Senate.
But the GOP's resolve is now cracking. Yesterday, a bipartisan group of Congressmen and Senators signed onto a letter demanding that President Trump re-open the government.
This is Lindsey Graham's plan. He want's Trump to re-open the government for at least three weeks, agree to fund the government without border wall funding, and then hope that Democrats will agree to fund the border wall in a separate bill.
In other words, Graham wants Trump to give up all of his leverage and hand over the power to the Democrats. It's absolutely shameful.
It was just last week that Lindsey Graham was telling Trump to declare a National Emergency in order to build the wall. Why the change of tune? GOP leadership threatened to block President Trump if he tried it.
Instead of letting President Trump use his constitutional and lawful powers to secure the border, the GOP has now adopted a surrender plan…
A week ago, there was one Republican defection: Cory Gardner (CO). Then, we had Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Mitt Romney (UT) start to demand an end to the shutdown, even if it meant caving on the border. Now, Lindsey Graham (SC) is pleading with the President to end the shutdown without getting border security.
We are winning this. Just this week, we saw high ranking Democrats start to distance themselves from Nancy Pelosi's radical stances. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) admitted on the news that there is nothing "immoral" about a border wall and that "walls obviously work."
He is the #2 Democrat in the House of Representatives and just admitted that border barriers work.
On the Senate side, we've seen Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) — the man behind the Brett Kavanaugh delay compromise — also admit that there is nothing inherently immoral about a border wall or fence
It is getting so bad that Pelosi is even trying to disinvite the President from delivering the State of the Union address. What is the biggest sign that President Trump is winning? Democrats are trying to stop him from speaking directly to the American people. The only reason they're trying to silence him is because they're worried he'll be able to use the speech to win.
Trump responded to Pelosi's threat by cancelling her trip to Europe and Afghanistan… while she was on her way to the airport!
The President is done messing around. He promised that the shutdown would last months if Democrats didn't compromise.
But right as President Trump is starting to squeeze the Left, Republicans are now trying to pull the rug out from under him!
The GOP only fears two things: angering their donor base and losing re-election.
YOU have the power to strike fear into them. You have the power to stop this surrender push before it is too late.
This is our last, best chance to secure the border. For generations, Congress has refused to do what was necessary. They have refused to protect the American people from the drugs and crime that pour across the border.
Finally, we have a President willing to risk everything to get it done. We have a President who prioritizes the safety and security of the American people over the open border dreams of their corporate donors.
And the GOP just wants to give up and throw in the towel?
This is too important to give up now!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily