Lamar Alexander is the Senior Senator representing Tennessee. He also served as the Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus for the entirety of Obama’s first term. He is in the upper echelon of the Republican leadership and recently announced that he was retiring at the end of 2020.
There is nothing more dangerous in this country than an establishment Republican that doesn’t have to pretend to be a conservative anymore…
Yesterday, Senator Alexander delivered a speech from the Senate floor ordering Trump to back down on his border emergency order. Otherwise, he said that he would vote with Democrats to overturn it!
“Trump can avoid this constitutional crisis and use the funds already approved by Congress to avoid establishing a dangerous precedent,” Alexander declared.
“It’s unnecessary, unwise, and inconsistent with the Constitution… and many Republican Senators, who can speak for themselves, share that view.”
Lamar is ordering the President to back down, accept the pitiful funding for the 55 miles of border fencing that Democrats gave him, and leave the border wide open. In case there was any doubt about his intentions, Alexander also sent a copy of his speech to the White House.
Alexander is a lost cause. Since he isn’t running for re-election, he can oppose the President without consequence. Just like he did last year when he voted to restore funding to the United Nations climate change treaty.
The danger is in the other Republicans, in both the House and the Senate who will follow his lead…
It is up to YOU to put the fear into the rest of Congress and threaten to remove from office anyone who votes against Pres. Trump’s border security plan!
Republicans are dropping like flies. Even Ted Cruz is hinting that he is weighing all options.
“I have long believed and advocated that every President, Republican and Democrat, should act consistent with the Constitution and Federal law. And I am assessing those legal authorities right now…”
Cruz literally stood next to the President a few weeks ago at the Southern Border and called it an emergency, but now is waffling on whether to protect the President’s order. In fairness, Cruz’s statement doesn’t mean he will vote against the border wall. But if a strong conservative like Ted Cruz feels the need to temper his statements, this is really bad…
This week, we counted SIXTEEN Republican Senators (not including Cruz) who had promised to vote or hinted at voting against the border wall order. Sen. Alexander’s stunning floor speech against the President is giving these GOP cowards the political cover they need to go all-out against the border wall.
And Mitch McConnell has already told the GOP that they are free to vote against the border security plan if they want. The GOP is completely caving!
Republicans are now openly pressuring President Trump to abandon the border wall project. They spent the last two years trying to stop the wall from being built, by any means necessary.
In that time, literally hundreds of Americans have been killed by illegal alien criminals. Well over 140,000 Americans have been killed by drugs that entered the country through Mexico.
President Trump found the discretionary funding he needs to build 250 miles of border wall in the most urgent areas. Instead of applauding the President for keeping the American people safe, the GOP is rushing to help the left shut the project down!
Nothing Trump is doing is radical. He is reprogramming 600 million from the Treasury Department’s drug forfeiture fund, 2 billion from the Pentagon’s drug interdiction fund, and 3.6 billion in military construction funds that were not even going to be used!
Pelosi’s House has already voted to block the border wall emergency declaration. 13 Republicans joined Democrats in voting to block the wall. Dozens more are waiting to see what the Senate does. They don’t want to vote against the wall unless they think their votes are needed to overturn Trump’s veto.
If 16 or 17 Republican Senators vote against the wall, it’s over.
The President believes he is standing alone on this, standing against the Republican and Democrat parties. But he isn’t alone…
He has YOU and he needs your help now more than ever before!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily