Almost two weeks ago, the House of Representatives voted to overturn Pres. Trump’s border wall national emergency declaration. By law, the Senate must vote on the same Resolution of Disapproval this coming week.
It has the votes to pass in the Senate. Since there are 47 Democrats, that means only four GOPers need to flip in order to pass it. Their names are Rand Paul (KY), Susan Collins (ME), Thom Tillis (NC), and Lisa Murkowski (AK). All four have promised to vote with the left.
When the resolution passes the Senate, it will go to Trump’s desk. The President has already announced that he will veto the bill.
Then, the real fight begins. If the Left can get enough Republicans to override Trump’s veto, then the border wall project is over.
The only reason you are getting this email is because more Republicans have just come out and declared they are likely to vote against the border wall!
Last week, the number of defections stood at about ten GOP Senators. In addition to the four that have already declared, they include Mitt Romney (UT), Lamar Alexander (TN), Marco Rubio (FL), Corey Gardner (CO), Jerry Moran (KS), and even Mike Lee (UT).
We have been reporting that the number could be as high as 16 GOPers. As of this morning, there are a few names we can definitively add to the list: Pat Toomey (PA), Ted Cruz (TX), Rob Portman (OH), and Todd Young (IN). Add in Mitch McConnell (KY) — who has refused to defend Trump’s order — and that puts the official tally at 15 Republican defections. There are rumors that there are at least four or five other Republicans considering defecting.
If that happens, then the Left has all 20 of the votes they need to override the President’s veto. There are dozens of House Republicans who are eager to vote against the President, but only will if their vote means something. If the Senate falls, then they’ll have the political cover to flip in the House as well.
All of this is happening this week.
The Establishments of both parties want the border wall blocked. Democrats want new illegal aliens so they can vote in future elections, which explains why the Left voted against an amendment this week to only let American citizens vote in our elections.
But it is important to remember that the GOP establishment wants open borders as well. The donor class needs more cheap unskilled laborers, and the GOP wants to give it to them.
That is why the border has been left open for so many years. Neither party wants the border to be secured. We finally have a President willing to secure the border and protect the American people by any means necessary, and both parties are uniting to stop him!
If he wins the vote this week, then the border wall will get built. But if the Left wins, it’s all over…
President Trump can’t win all on his own. He needs your help!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily