Alert: GOPers are working with Democrats to roll-back Trump’s ‘Protect Life’ rule and restore all of Planned Parenthood’s funding this week!
A month ago, the Trump administration finalized its Protect Life rule, cutting off all Title X funds to abortion clinics.
This one regulation now prevents Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics from accessing 280 million in Federal funds. The Trump administration declared that if clinics want to continue accessing this family planning grant program, they need to stop referring or performing abortion procedures. It was already illegal for Federal funds to go towards abortion procedures. This new rule expands that ban to abortion providers as well.
Planned Parenthood responded by defying the President. They refused to comply with the new rule and filed an appeal in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. But in a shocking turn of events, the 9th Circuit sided with Trump. They allowed the new Protect Life rules to go into effect.
For the first time in a long time, abortion clinics can no longer rely on Federal funds to keep their doors open. And we are already seeing the results. By the end of this week, two Planned Parenthood locations in Ohio will have to close. The organization is warning that many more will close down as the organization restructures. They can no longer afford to run as many clinics without Federal funding.
It is now undeniable: Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers were relying on YOUR taxd ollars to stay in business. And now, they will need to fend for themselves.
But the fight is not over. Congress is voting this week on a bill that would undo Trump’s Protect Life regulation and give Planned Parenthood all of its funding back!
It is called the Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act of 2020. This legislation will govern almost all of the Executive Branch’s healthcare spending over the next year. Congress has to pass this bill, otherwise the Federal government will shut down. Since this bill controls Medicare and Medicaid spending, it is considered Must Pass.
Democrats just attached an amendment to this bill that would roll back President Trump’s Protect Life regulation. The one sentence long amendment is found on page 49-50 of the bill and if it passes, Planned Parenthood will get all of its funding back… and some. It reads,
“the Secretary shall carry out section 1001 of the PHS Act solely in accordance with any regulations or other conditions or instructions established by the Secretary pursuant to the authority under section 1006 of the PHS Act that applied as of January 18, 2017, to grants and contracts awarded under section 1001 of the PHS Act…” (emphasis added)
What does this mean? If this passes, then the Trump administration will have to run the Title X family planning grant programs according to the regulations that were in place two days before Trump took the oath of office.
In other words, this one sentence would force President Trump to readopt Barack Obama’s abortion policies…
The Senate Appropriations Committee was supposed to vote on this bill last week, but it got delayed. Instead, the bill will get its first vote this coming week.
If this amendment survives, then it is over. Planned Parenthood would actually see a funding increase.
Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins have already promised to vote for this amendment. That would give the Left enough votes to push it through to the final vote.
We are up against the wall. We are so close to winning this. Abortion clinics are already being forced to close their doors. But if this GOP-led amendment passes, it is all over…
If you care about protecting the unborn, then I am calling on you to join our campaign today and help us bombard Congress with a quarter million FaxBlasts to kill this anti-life amendment.
If you believe that the Federal government has no business funding abortion clinics, then you must join this campaign as well.
And if you want to stop the Left from dragging us back into the Obama years, then this is the time for you to rise up!
The Left is mobilizing everything and everyone to get this one sentence passed into law.
We can still stop them, but only if we fight back right now!
Fight back now,
Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily