If any other prosecutor did what Nancy Pelosi is doing and blocked a trial for politial reasons, they would be thrown in jail…
For three months, Nancy Pelosi raced the House of Representatives towards impeachment. She claimed that there was no time for due process and that the very future of our country was at risk if Democrats didn't impeach the President before Christmas.
The House did just that. Without a single Republican joining them, Democrats impeached Donald Trump for so-called "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress." Not only was this the first party-line impeachment vote ever, but it was the first time the President has ever been impeached for non-crimes.
That's right, there is no statute in the US criminal code outlining "abuse of power." Similarly, "obstruction of Congress" doesn't exist. The Executive Branch has every right to disagree with the Legislative Branch. That is what it means to be a "co-equal" branch of government. When the President disagrees with Congress, it is supposed to be up to the Judiciary to give the final say. But Democrats said they didn't have time to let President Trump challenge the constitutionality of their subpoenas in court. They impeached the President before the Courts had a chance to throw out their bogus subpoenas.
Impeachment is over. The House voted on the resolution to impeach Trump, it passed, and the roll was read into the record.
But Nancy Pelosi is refusing to deliver the articles to the Senate. She wants to literally deny President Trump the right to a trial!
Nancy Pelosi just explained why she is holding the impeachment articles hostage. She is refusing to deliver the impeachment articles to the Senate until Mitch McConnell agrees to give Chuck Schumer power over how the trial would be run.
Pelosi knows that the Senate will either dismiss the impeachment all together or exonerate President Trump. That is why she is refusing to hand over the articles.
And in the process, Nancy Pelosi is openly and flagrantly violating the Constitution. Not only is she trampling on Donald Trump's right to a trial, but she is violating the separation of powers by obstructing the Senate's ability to meet its constitutional obligations.
The Constitution is clear. The House has the "sole power" over impeachment and the Senate has the "sole power" to run the trial. Nancy Pelosi, however, wants to control both parts of the process. She wants to deny Donald Trump any due process during the impeachment part, and then block Trump from having a chance to defend himself during a trial.
If a prosecutor or district attorney did this to me or you — secured an indictment and then blocked a trial by refusing to show up to the court date — a judge would throw out the charges and arrest them on contempt charges.
Why should Nancy Pelosi be any different?!
Our campaign today has two parts.
First, we need to put maximum pressure on Congress to hold Nancy Pelosi accountable for her crimes against the country. She is already facing open rebellion in her party for forcing vulnerable Democrats to vote for impeachment. They knew their political careers were likely over once they voted for impeachment. Now that she is refusing to deliver the articles to the Senate, dozens of Democrats are now at risk of losing their seats.
If Pelosi's Speakership vote was held today, she would not win. Our first goal today is to force that vote!
But our second objective targets the Senate. There is no Constitutional requirement that the Senate wait for Nancy Pelosi to deliver the articles of impeachment. The United States Senate can move forward with a trial, with or without Pelosi. And that is exactly what we are calling on them to do!
We are demanding that all Senators, Republican and Democrat, honor their oaths to the Constitution and immediately advance to a trial and exonerate the President of these bogus charges. Nancy Pelosi cannot be allowed to win!
Pelosi is literally committing crimes against the Constitution and the country.
Our goal today is to send a million FaxBlasts to Congress demanding they hold her accountable and put an end to this sham impeachment for good!
But we can't do it without your help!
Stop Her!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily