This has been Nancy Pelosi's plan all along. She rushed impeachment through the House and is now refusing to transfer the articles to the Senate, hoping that more GOPers will flip as time goes on.
It has only been a week, but Pelosi has already flipped one Republican. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) has become the first GOPer to side with the Democrats on the impeachment trial.
Instead of dismissing the charges or acquitting Pres. Trump, Murkowski wants a full trial with witnesses. She has said that she is "disturbed" by how Mitch McConnell is coordinating with the President on how the trial would be run.
Obviously, she doesn't care that Democrats coordinated with the whistleblower and anti-Trump lawyers who have been pushing impeachment since day one. She only has a problem with Trump coordinating with Senate Republicans on what kind of a trial he wants.
Pelosi is celebrating. Her plan is working. The first Republican has flipped. She is hoping that Lisa Murkowski defiance becomes contagious and flips even more Republicans against the President!
What Nancy Pelosi is doing is disgusting. If any prosecutor did this to a citizen, they would be thrown in jail on contempt charges. Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow a trial to move forward because she wants to stop Trump from being acquitted…
Not only is she violating Donald Trump's right to a trial, but she is violating the Senate's constitutional powers by interfering with the trial process.
Pelosi is hoping she can flip 4 Republicans. That is all it takes to give Democrats control over the trial process. If 4 GOPers flip, then Chuck Schumer and the Democrats would be able to call as many witnesses as they want, including Donald Trump himself.
This is all about causing as much damage to Trump as possible. Even if they can't get enough Republicans to vote to remove Trump from office, they want to make the process as damaging as possible and make Trump unelectable.
And the GOP is just letting it happen… There is no constitutional or legal requirement that Nancy Pelosi send the articles to the Senate in order for a trial to proceed. That is simply what tradition dictates.
As we have seen time and time again, the GOP cares more about preserving tradition than they care about winning the fight.
The first Republican has already caved. Lisa Murkowski is telling Democrats that she agrees with forcing more witnesses to testify. Even though the Democrats charged Trump with non-crimes, she wants to help the Left smear the President even more.
It only takes three more to flip and it's over.
The longer Pelosi stalls, the more Republicans will flip.
That is why she is refusing to allow Trump to be acquitted. She wants more time to convince GOPers to turn on the President…
You must put a stop to this treachery right now!
No surrender,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily