This week marks one year since the Democrats began their push to revamp the nation's gun laws and finally give the government the power to create a registry of American gun owners.
This registry is central to their end goal: total and complete civilian disarmament. Without a registry, the government can never know who owns which guns, and can therefore never truly disarm the people.
Democrats have spent the past year writing bills to get us to that point. And THIS WEEK is when they plan to push them all through!
The first bill is H.R. 8. This legislation would give the government the power to force Americans to ask for permission whenever they want to buy, sell, or transfer a firearm. Even private sales and transfers.
The only way to enforce this kind of universal background check law is to create a gun registry. Otherwise, the government has no way to prove whether a gun is transferred legally or not…
But Democrats aren't stopping there. They are also ramming through H.R. 1112, the Enhanced Background Checks Act. This bill would give the government the power to arbitrarily reject firearm background checks. Right now, if you want to buy a firearm from a dealer, you need to go through a background check. By law, the government cannot take longer than 72 hours to process that background check. If the government can't get its act together in three days, you can take the firearm home anyway. This is to prevent the government from just trying to run out the clock and block gun purchases.
H.R.1112 would change this process and give the government up to 20 business days to process a background check. Since the background check form is only valid for one month, this would mean that the government would be able to block millions of gun purchases a year, without having to even give a reason!
And there is a new gun control bill too: The NICS Data Integrity Act (no bill number assigned yet). Just as we feared, this bill would give the government the power to hold onto background check records and build the gun registry Democrats have always wanted…
But the worst bill of all — the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act. Armed with a registry of gun owners, the government would be able to confiscate your guns without even having to charge you with a crime!
Combined, these four bills will destroy your Second Amendment rights. You must stop Congress from ramming it through this week!
There is no coming back from this if it passes… And the Democrats are moving this package forward this week!
I cannot stress enough how dangerous this gun control package is. It would give the Left everything they have ever wanted. The government would gain the power to keep a record of who owns what guns. They would then be able to use that record to target innocent gun owners and confiscate their firearms without even charging them with a crime. And lastly, the FBI would gain the power to run out the clock and block millions of law abiding gun owners from being able to purchase new guns.
And the idiot Republicans think this is a compromise…
That is why we MUST need stop this anti-gun package right now before it picks up any more steam. And we cannot do this without your help!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily