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9th Circuit Shocks Democrats By UPHOLDING Trump’s Protect Life Rule!

Breaking News: The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has officially upheld President Trump's Protect Life rule and cut almost ALL of Planned Parenthood's funding!

When I saw the news, I asked my wife to pinch me because I thought I surely had to be dreaming.

As we reported recently, Donald Trump has officially flipped the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. That's right, there are now more Conservative judges on the 9th Circuit Court than Liberals. And it is really starting to pay off!

Yesterday, the full 9th Circuit Court of Appeals heard the challenge to President Trump's Protect Life rule. This was the regulation that clarifies that abortion is not "family planning" and cuts off all Federal Title X funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. Trump pulled the plug on hundreds of millions in funding that Planned Parenthood was using to keep its clinics open.

Liberals thought that the 9th Circuit could protect them. But the new Trump judges just shocked the entire country and upheld Trump's new regulation!

Planned Parenthood and hundreds of other abortion providers around the country have now been DEFUNDED!

But don't pop the champagne just yet… Democrats still have one more trick up their sleeve and they are now just TWO votes away from being able to restore all of Planned Parenthood's funding for good.

Don't let the Democrats get away with undoing President Trump's Protect Life rule. Tell Congress right now that anyone who votes to restore Planned Parenthood's funding will be removed from office!

The process is known as the Congressional Review Act. If the President enacts a regulation that Congress disagrees with, then the House and the Senate have 60 legislative days to pass a Resolution of Disapproval to revoke the regulation.

Unlike normal legislation, which takes a super majority in the Senate to pass, CRA resolutions only need a simple majority in both chambers. That means in order for Democrats to reverse a Trump policy, they only need to flip 4 GOPers.

The Left already has two on their side. I sound a bit like a broken record at this point, but Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) have both denounced Pres. Trump's Protect Life rule and promised to repeal it as soon as the opportunity arises.

That means Democrats only need to flip two more… And they have plenty of spineless GOPers to choose from.

For years, we have been pressuring Congress to protect the unborn and pull Planned Parenthood's funding. With your help, we have sent millions of FaxBlasts to both Congress and the White House urging them to do the right thing. We got really close a few times. But, whenever the bills came up for a vote, there were always "moderate" Republicans standing ready to block them.

We shifted our efforts to start putting heavier pressure on President Trump, and it worked! Donald Trump did what Republicans have promised to do for decades, but never had the guts to follow through. He cut Planned Parenthood's government funding!

President Trump found a way to do it that was legal, constitutional, and didn't require the do-nothing Republican establishment. But now, after we just secured the biggest pro-life court victory in years, those same spineless Republicans are preparing to join Democrats in rolling the Protect Life rule back…

You MUST stop them!

Don't let the Democrats get away with undoing President Trump's Protect Life rule! Tell Congress right now that anyone who votes to restore Planned Parenthood's funding will be removed from office.

Here is the thing… Because the Trump administration was allowed to start implementing the Protect Life rule before this the 9th Circuit rendered its decision, that means that the 60-day countdown has already started.

That is why Democrats are racing ahead, full steam, with their plan. And that is why it is so important for you to fight back right now!

This regulation will save countless lives. Planned Parenthood clinics have already started downsizing, cutting their hours, and closing all together because they no longer have access to Federal funding. Every single day, Trump's Protect Life rule save unborn lives. And of course, there are Democrats and Republicans lining up to roll it back!

But if you stop them… If you threaten to remove these spineless Congressmen and Senators, on both sides of the aisle, and put the fear back in their hearts… then President Trump's Protect Life rule will become permanent and Planned Parenthood will never again receive this Federal funding!

But you need to join the fight right here, right now!

Don't let the Democrats get away with undoing President Trump's Protect Life rule. Tell Congress right now that anyone who votes to restore Planned Parenthood's funding will be removed from office!

Fight for the unborn!

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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