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Breaking News: FISA Has Officially Expired, But Now Both Parties Want To Bring It Back!

We owe a serious debt of gratitude to Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul (shown above). By opposing the establishment’s FISA renewal bill, they denied them the “unanimous consent” they needed in order to push it through.

In the Senate specifically, a Unanimous Consent motion allows a bill to skip the committee process and the actual vote tally entirely as long as no one stands up in opposition. If even one Senator rejects a bill, then the motion fails and it has to go through the full, lengthy legislative process.

By opposing the FISA renewal bill, which Democrats have ridiculously named the USA Freedom Authorization Act, Lee and Paul ensured that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act provisions that anti-Trump FBI officials used to illegally launch and prolong their Trump-Russia investigation would expire.

And that is exactly what happened yesterday. The FISA provisions that enabled the Deep State to spy on Trump and his campaign expired. For the first time in almost two decades, the Deep State can no longer abuse these powers to target innocent Americans.

This would be cause for celebration, except for the fact that Democrats and Republicans are now racing to renew these dangerous governmental surveillance powers.

GOP leadership has said that a full vote in the Senate could come as soon as TODAY and if the bill ends up being different from the House version, which it almost certainly will be, then the House would be able to hold a vote TOMORROW.

President Trump has threatened to veto the legislation, but both parties are confident that they would be able to override a Presidential veto. In the House, the test vote last week was just 12 shy of the two-thirds super-majority necessary for a veto override. To put it in perspective, more Democrats voted against the FISA renewal bill than Republicans…

This time, a Presidential veto will probably not be enough to stop this…

It is up to YOU to BLOCK Congress from passing the USA Freedom Authorization Act, before it’s too late! Send your instant FaxBlast right now and tell Republicans and Democrats alike they will pay if they vote this travesty into law!

Right now, there is a criminal investigation ongoing that is looking into whether James Comey and his team broke the law by abusing FISA to target Trump and his allies. Multiple DOJ and FBI officials have already been referred by the Inspector General for criminal prosecution and the FISA Court itself has already banned all of these former-Obama officials from ever again arguing another case before them.

Considering that we learn more and more about the Obama administration’s criminality every week, it would make sense to wait for the full report to come out and for all of the indictments to be unsealed before re-authorizing the surveillance tools that these Deep State traitors used to launch their attempted coup.

And make no mistake, that is what it was: an attempted coup. If Congress renews these FISA provisions and gives the Deep State back these powers, they will try it again…

As I said, Rand Paul and Mike Lee bought us time. They stopped Mitch McConnell from ramming this bill through the Senate and sending it to Trump’s desk without even a debate.

But the GOP and Dem establishments are not giving up. Democrats want to give the Deep State as much power as possible so they can keep trying to remove Trump from office. Republicans are the ones who originally passed these surveillance provisions into law in the name of “National Defense.”

They failed to take Benjamin Franklin’s warning. They willingly gave away our rights in exchange for a semblance of security and in doing so, proved that we deserve neither…

But it doesn’t have to be this way… The FISA provisions have now officially expired. The Deep State, right now, does not have the power to pull the stunts that they have pulled over the past two years.

Now it is up to us to keep it that way!

It is up to YOU to BLOCK Congress from passing the USA Freedom Authorization Act, before it’s too late! Send your instant FaxBlast right now and tell Republicans and Democrats alike they will pay if they vote this travesty into law!

We have a chance, right here and now, to win a huge victory.

When governments turn despotic and take away their citizens’ rights, very rarely do people have an opportunity to peacefully get them back.

Right now, we have that opportunity. Republicans and Democrats never should have signed away our rights to begin with.

But now that the FISA provisions have expired, you CANNOT allow them to be renewed!

It is up to YOU to BLOCK Congress from passing the USA Freedom Authorization Act, before it’s too late! Please, send your instant FaxBlast right now and tell Republicans and Democrats alike they will pay if they vote this travesty into law!

If you won’t stand up for your rights, who will?

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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