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Dems Saying ‘Undocumented’ Aliens Are Essential, Deserve Amnesty and Citizenship

We knew this was coming. Democrats are now using the Chinese Coronavirus as an excuse to force through a total amnesty bill.

The Left claims that 27 thousand illegal aliens work in the “medical industry,” and that they are therefore “essential.”

But this is the real kicker: since these illegals are “undocumented” and we don’t know who they are, the Left says we need to legalize all illegal aliens, just to be safe.

And their demands don’t stop there. They don’t just want to provide all illegal aliens temporary protection. They want to give them permanent residency and a pathway to citizenship.

And you can tell that the amnesty proposal is bogus because it includes coverage for illegal aliens who have served prison time for criminal convictions.

The Left claims total, nationwide amnesty is necessary to save “medical workers” from deportation, but their solution would give amnesty and a pathway to citizenship to convicted criminals too!

Don’t let the Left force this amnesty bill through! Tell Congress right now that any Congressman or Senator who dares vote for this radical amnesty bill will be REMOVED from office!

It is disgusting how the Left is trying to politicize this and use the Chinese Coronavirus as an excuse to push through their agenda.

When this is over, I promise that there will be a reckoning. These people have shown the world that they do not care about the American people. They only care about pushing their agenda across the finish line, no matter what it takes.

Mark my words: all of these people will be dragged out of office. But right now, we need to stop this insane bill from passing!

They are demanding that we offer amnesty and a pathway to US citizenship to MILLIONS of illegal aliens, all because they estimate there are 27,000 who work, in some capacity, in the medical industry.

Just think about how crazy this is. We have no idea who these people are, that is just a made up number. And notice how the Left chooses their words carefully. They say that these people work in the “medical industry,” but that really doesn’t actually say anything. Millions of people work in the medical industry, that doesn’t mean that they are all essential.

And the fact that the Democrats’ bill would also apply to convicted criminals who have served jail time proves that this is completely bogus.

If the Left really cared about protecting illegal aliens in the “medical industry,” they wouldn’t be trying to give citizenship to literal criminals. And I am not just talking about the crimes that illegal aliens committed by entering the country. These are convictions for other crimes.

It is disgusting. They are trying to use this crisis to get amnesty for as many illegal aliens as possible. And they are trying to trick the American people into supporting it!

Don’t let the Left force this amnesty bill through! Tell Congress right now that any Congressman or Senator who dares vote for this radical amnesty bill will be REMOVED from office!

This is moving forward. We have been covering all of the radical things that Democrats are trying to sneak into the next stimulus bill.

But this, by far, is the most dangerous thing they are trying to push through.

And it is also the most disgusting. They are literally trying to declare that illegal aliens are “essential” because some of them work in the medical industry. Since we don’t know who they are, they claim that we just have to legalize all of them…

Democrats are literally using the Chinese Coronavirus as an excuse to give amnesty and citizenship to convicted criminals…


Absolutely NOT!

This is happening. The Left is trying to rush this through. And we are already seeing Republicans starting to entertain it… We are already seeing GOPers starting to argue that amnesty should be a priority…

It is up to YOU to stop them before it’s too late!

Don’t let the Left force this amnesty bill through! Tell Congress right now that any Congressman or Senator who dares vote for this radical amnesty bill will be REMOVED from office!

Now or never!

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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