Democrats have one goal and one goal only: They want to turn Donald Trump into a one-term President by any means necessary.
We saw just how far they were willing to go with their sham impeachment. We now know that their actions hindered the government’s response to the Chinese Coronavirus. On the same day that the Coronavirus reached our shores, Nancy Pelosi was handing out souvenir impeachment pens…
But all of that pales in comparison to what the Left is trying to do now. They are trying to use the virus as an excuse to switch the country over to nationwide mail-in voting.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) (shown above) is saying she will force a vote on her mail-in voting bill and demand that it be added to the stimulus bill that the Senate just started debating TODAY. Her plan would require that states mail ballots out to every registered voter so that they can vote in November’s Presidential election by mail.
If she is allowed to push this through, the voter fraud will be off the charts. And that is what Democrats are counting on…
They are trying to use the virus as an excuse to steal the 2020 election!
Let’s just briefly break this down. We already know that the voter rolls in this country are full of fraudulent names. There are tens of millions of names on voter rolls that are ineligible to vote. People pass away, move, commit crimes and lose their voting rights, and yes, other people do fraudulently register to vote.
But Elizabeth Warren’s bill would send a mail-in ballot to all of them anyway.
Here is how the fraud usually works. Let’s say someone is registered to vote at an old address. They no longer live there, but that is the address in their voter registration file. Under Warren’s plan, a ballot would still be sent to that address anyway. Then it comes down to how much you trust the new people living there to do the right thing. We see this in places like Colorado and Oregon. People turn in ballots that they have no legal right to fill-out and they end up getting counted.
But it gets worse. Warren and Democrats are also demanding that “ballot harvesting” be legalized nationwide. Right now if you want to submit an absentee ballot, it has to be you, a close family member, or a designated caretaker. Ballot harvesting allows paid political operatives to collect ballots from voters and turn them in on their behalf.
We saw this in California last year. Paid Democrat operatives went door to door to registered Democrat voters, told them how to fill out their ballots, and then took possession of the ballot and delivered it on the voter’s behalf. Individual “ballot harvesters” were seen delivering hundreds of ballots at a time.
This process is ripe with fraud. First of all, it is textbook voter intimidation. It allows Democrat operatives to pressure voters into voting for specific candidates. If someone tried to do this in a polling place, they would be arrested on the spot. But even more dangerous is the fact that ballot harvesting allows paid operatives to take literally possession of voters’ ballots. We have already seen that ballot harvesting has led to voter fraud.
And the third part of Elizabeth Warren’s plan is to mandate that all states provide no less than 30 days for early voting. Right now, Florida allows for 10 days of early voting. Wisconsin has 14. If you look at the swing states in the country, most would have their early voting period doubled, or even tripled. The data shows that early voting leads to more Democrats casting ballots. That is precisely why the Democrats are pushing this now.
This is Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s top demand. Yes, they have a lot of pork that they want added to next week’s new stimulus bill. But this voter fraud scheme is their top priority.
And it makes sense. If they pass this bill, it will be next to impossible for a Republican to ever win again!
We need to mobilize to stop this right now. The virus is already starting to peak. The modeling is now showing no new coronavirus infections by August at the latest. No experts are suggesting that we will be in lock-down by the time the November election comes around.
But Democrats don’t care. They see an opening, so they are trying to take it. They are trying to push through this radical election bill to ensure that Democrats never lose another election.
That is what is at stake. The future of our Republic is literally at stake, right now.
Democrats are refusing to budge. They are threatening to hold up the bill and let American businesses go bankrupt unless the GOP agrees to their demands.
And Republicans are already starting to buckle.
It is up to you — right now — to STOP the GOP from surrendering the election to the Democrats!
Don’t let the Dems steal the election!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily