When the Mueller Report was released, it contained a number of classified passages. Leftists howled and accused the President of trying to hid the truth from the American people and have been fighting to declassify as much of the report as possible. But like so many of the Left's witch hunts against the President, this just one backfired big time…
On President Trump's orders, Attorney General Bill Barr just declassified three footnotes within the Mueller Report and these notes prove, beyond any doubt, that the Trump-Russia investigation was a sham and the Deep State traitors broke the law by investigating Trump and his associates.
This all boils down to the so-called Steele Dossier. This was the dossier that was bought and paid-for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. They hired Christopher Steele to gather dirt on Trump from Russian sources.
Remember Andrew McCabe? The FBI Deputy Director who was fired for working with Peter Strzok to remove Trump from office? McCabe testified, under oath, that "no surveillance warrant would have been sought" without the Steele Dossier. Former FBI Director James Comey has also confessed that he and others in the FBI leadership knew the dossier was "unverified" before they submitted the Fisa application to spy on Trump's campaign.
We've known for a long time that the FBI understood the dossier was "unverified," but the footnote in the Mueller Report talking about that was labeled classified… We had long suspected that whatever was in those sections proved the FBI officials broke the law by spying on Trump, but we could never prove it… until now!
Thanks to Trump and Barr, we know that the FBI broke the law. They had identified that the dossier was Russian disinformation, but used it anyway to spy on President Trump!
It is now clear. FBI officials broke the law and violated the constitution, all in an attempt to stop a political candidate from winning. But the crimes didn't stop there. The Inspector General did a random audit of 29 other Fisa warrant applications and found that in each one, the FBI was fabricating evidence and misleading the court.
But instead of these Deep State conspirators being arrested, Republicans and Democrats are now working on renewing the Fisa law that gives the FBI these powers!
In the middle of March, the Fisa law that was used to spy on the Trump campaign officially expired. The DOJ and FBI are no longer allowed to use the Fisa court in order to spy on innocent Americans.
And that is a good thing. What Trump and Barr just declassified shows just how far the Deep State went to try to stop Trump from winning.
Here is the key note in the Mueller Report that just got declassified:
"The [redacted] stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele's reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations."
Let me summarize. When Steele gave the FBI his "dossier," FBI agents fact checked it and realized that it was full of lies deliberately planted by Russian intelligence agents. Russia was feeding Steele lies to cause chaos in the American election.
The FBI caught this. They figured it out that the Steele dossier wasn't real. But instead of dropping the investigation, they presented the dossier to the FISA court as verified "evidence" that Donald Trump was a traitor and they used it to get a secret surveillance warrant to spy on his campaign.
James Comey knew this. Andrew McCabe knew this. Rod Rosenstein knew this. Even Robert Mueller knew this (this was in his report). They all knew that the FBI used Russian disinformation — lies — to get a warrant to spy on a Presidential candidate. None of them intervened. None of them tried to put a stop to this lawlessness. They were all complicit in this.
And then when the investigation turned up nothing, we know that FBI agents fabricated documents to trick the judges into renewing their surveillance warrants. One FBI agent actually doctored a government email and another inserted blank pages into their evidence folders to trick the judges into believing they had more evidence than they actually had. Their illegal stunts worked. They fed the courts lies and got them to renew the surveillance warrant against Trump's team 3 more times.
Trump and Barr just declassified the smoking gun. The FBI knew that the Steele Dossier was Russian disinformation, but used it anyway to spy on Donald Trump and his campaign. Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, and Mueller knew all of this. But instead of shutting the probe down, they tried to cover it up.
We are learning now that multiple subpoenas have already been issued in US Attorney John Durham's criminal investigation. The walls are closing in on these traitors and they will get what they deserve.
But right now, we need to make sure that this never happens again and that means STOPPING the GOP and Democrats from renewing this Fisa law!
Here is the good news: the Fisa law that the Deep State used to spy on then-Candidate Trump expired in the middle of March. For the first time in decades, the FBI is now no longer allowed to spy on innocent Americans like this.
The Establishments of both parties fought hard to try to save this law, but in the end, conservatives and liberals worked together to stop the Fisa law from being renewed. In fact, more Leftist Democrats voted against the renewal bill than Conservative Republicans…
But it is not over. As you read this, Republicans and Democrats are still advancing their bill to give the Deep State its surveillance powers back. And they are trying to use the coronavirus as cover.
They are hoping that you aren't paying attention. The GOP and Democrats are hoping that you are so pre-occupied focusing on the coronavirus that you won't notice that they are trying to restore the Deep State's surveillance powers.
But now you know. And with that knowledge, you must fight back before they push this through and it is too late!
Don't let them get away with this!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily