As we previously reported, Nancy Pelosi is preparing to create a new committee to investigate Donald Trump. This time, over the administration's handling of the Chinese Coronavirus.
But Adam Schiff is refusing to wait for Nancy Pelosi to authorize their new "inquiry." He just announced that he is using his power in the Intelligence Committee to start his anti-Trump investigation right now!
"We are right now going through our intelligence holdings. What did the intelligence community make us aware of at the end of last year or earlier this year," Schiff said in an interview yesterday.
Pelosi had promised that any review would be "forward thinking," meaning that instead of looking back and prosecuting President Trump, Congress would look forward to make sure the country is ready for future pandemics.
Adam Schiff just proved that was a lie. This is nothing but Impeachment 3.0.
The Left tried to impeach Trump over Russia, and then again over Ukraine. After those two coup attempts failed, the Left promised they would try again. Now, we know how they're going to do it!
The first confirmed coronavirus patient arrived in the United States from Wuhan, China on January 15th. Do you know what Nancy Pelosi was doing that day? She was handing out souvenir pens after she officially certified the impeachment articles aginst President Trump.
These are the same Democrats now accusing Trump of not doing enough to protect the country.
Remember that when Trump shut down travel from China, Democrats accused him of being a racist. When he closed the borders to European travelers, the Left accused Trump of overreacting.
Pelosi accused the President of taking too long to respond to the coronavirus, but she was the one who delayed the stimulus bill for an entire week to try to get more Leftist items added to the bill. And when Republicans tried to add more funding to the stimulus program last week to save small businesses from bankruptcy, Democrats blocked the bill AGAIN.
For the entirety of this year, Democrats have been focused on removing Trump from office and stalling the stimulus packages. And they have the gall to investigate Trump?
You must fight back and shut Adam Schiff down right now!
Adam Schiff has already launched his new impeachment investigation. He is conducting his own classified inquiry, just like last time. He wants to put together the "evidence" so that when Pelosi finally approves the investigatory committee, he can hit the ground running.
Instead of working with the President, they are trying to investigate him and remove him from office.
They don't care about how many people they harm. They don't care how this will hurt the government's ability to respond and protect the country. They have one goal and one goal only: remove the President from office, by any means necessary.
These Leftists have violated their oaths. They swore to represent their constituents. It has never been more important for Congress to put politics aside and work on behalf of the American people.
But the Left isn't doing this. They are ignoring their oath and tripling down on their effort to remove President Trump from office…
We are launching a massive campaign to put a stop to this before Schiff is able to get his new impeachment investigation off the ground! But we cannot do this without your help!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily