We knew it was coming. With the riots now spreading around the country, it was only a matter of time before the same Leftist politicians that encouraged the violence to use it as an excuse to suspend the 2nd Amendment.
We already saw Leftists use the coronavirus as an excuse to force gun stores to close. As we reported last week, tens of thousands of Americans turned to making their own homemade guns during the pandemic when their cities and states forced their local gun stores to close. Democrats responded by introducing legislation to make homemade guns illegal.
But this latest push is worse than anything we've seen. Seattle just declared a state of emergency and banned all weapons in the city limits. Even law-abiding gun owners will be prosecuted if they carry or use a firearm to defend themselves. Pennsylvania's state of emergency declaration now makes it illegal to openly carry a firearm, even if it is legally owned. Many areas of California are still forcing gun stores to remain closed, preventing law abiding citizens from arming themselves. Other cities like Chicago and New York are considering similar firearm bans.
I watched a video last night of a Dallas store owner being beaten to near-death. He used the only weapon at his disposal to defend his store — a sword — and an angry mob savagely beat him and left him seemingly-lifeless on the ground. Luckily, bystanders were able to get him to a hospital.
This is why the 2nd Amendment was written. You have the right to keep and bear arms specifically for moments like this one. You have a God-given right to defend yourself, your family, and your property.
But now, when this right is more important than ever, radical leftists are suspending gun rights and forcing innocent Americans to remain defenseless.
As we reported yesterday, Congress has the power to intervene when Americans' are being violated. The 14th Amendment specifically empowers Congress to step in and stop cities and states from depriving Americans of their life, liberty, or property.
The Courts are not on our side. A Federal judge in California has already ruled that states can close gun stores and suspend the 2nd Amendment during "emergencies." The Trump administration is promising to investigate cities and states that violate Americans' rights, but that is a slow process.
Only Congress can step in and put a stop to this.
But time really is of the essence. The riots are getting worse. The looting is getting worse. Radical leftists are burning homes and businesses to the ground. Innocent people are losing everything to these mobs.
We saw police officers actually flee over the past couple nights, literally allowing angry mobs to burn down neighborhoods. We are watching innocent people being beaten to the near-death, and left on the street to die, without a single police officer in sight.
The 2nd Amendment exists because ultimately, YOU are responsible for your own defense and safety. But not only are these leftist politicians ordering police to stand down, but they are also blocking good people from arming and defending themselves.
The 2nd Amendment has never been more important than it is right now. And it has never been under attack as much as it is right now!
The 2nd Amendment exists precisely for moments like this one. The Founding Fathers went out of their way to make sure Americans would always have the right to defend themselves.
Now, after egging these Leftist domestic terrorists on, Democrat Politicians are denying Americans the right to defend themselves. They have issued stand down orders to police departments and are refusing to allow law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.
Enough. Is. Enough.
Your brother in arms,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily