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GOP Apologizing For Helping Left Abolish Columbus Day

For some reason, the GOP thinks that they can appease the "cancel culture" mob. They think that if they give Leftists what they want, they will give up trying to destroy the United States. The GOP is committing this fatal mistake right now.

Last week, Democrats began collecting signatures to make "Juneteenth" a federal holiday. We have covered this before, but Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day that Galveston, Texas found out about the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln has signed the order 1,001 days prior, but Galveston hadn't heard about it. Democrats, in an attempt to virtue signal, want to make this largely unknown, local holiday a federal holiday. 

I don't have anything against people who want to celebrate this holiday, but it would be incredibly destabilizing to make Juneteenth a federal and banking holiday because it would be straddled by Memorial Day and Fourth of July. 

When Democrats bring forward stupid ideas like this, you expect the GOP to hold the line. Except in this instance, GOPers started supporting this stupid bill. They started signing on as co-sponsors.

This is when Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) and James Lankford (R-OK) had an even dumber idea: instead of just making Juneteenth a federal holiday, they proposed also eliminating Columbus Day. In other words, their idea of a "compromise" was to give the Far Left not one, but two of their demands…

 Don't let this radical bill get pushed through! Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to KILL the Johnson-Lankford amendment to abolish Columbus Day to make room in the calendar for Juneteenth!

The Left has been trying to cancel Columbus Day for decades. They feel that Columbus was a genocidal maniac and they reject his discovery of the New World because this, in their eyes, should still be indigenous-controlled land. It's a lot to unpack there, but they hate Columbus Day because they hate the European settlement of America. That is why you see rabid "protesters" tearing down Christopher Columbus statues.

The Johnson-Lankford proposal was music to the Far Left's ears. Not only was the GOP willing to add a made-up holiday to the federal calendar, but they were also willing to cancel what the Left sees as the most racist holiday of the year…

The backlash was swift. We sent hundreds of thousands of FaxBlasts ordering Congress to stand down. It was so effective that Senator Ron Johnson actually apologized.

Johnson explained that his bill was purely created to balance the budget. He claims that it would cost 600 million to create a new federal holiday, but the cost would be zero if Juneteenth replaced another holiday already on the calendar. He said that since no one actually celebrates Columbus Day, it could be removed with little consequences.

That's the actual excuse he is giving now… He wrote an amendment to give the Left everything they wanted because fiscal conservatism demands it.

Johnson is trying to walk it back. He is apologizing like crazy, but it is too late. The amendment was introduced and now Democrats realize the spineless Republicans will give up more than they even thought possible… Democrats are moving forward with Johnson's plan, whether he likes it or not, and it is up to YOU to stop them!

 Don't let this radical bill get pushed through! Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to KILL the Johnson-Lankford amendment to abolish Columbus Day to make room in the calendar for Juneteenth!

Democrats are rushing to force a vote on this bill this coming week. Not only are they forcing a vote on their main demand — to make "Juneteenth" a federal holiday — but they are also including Johnson's amendment to remove Columbus Day from the calendar.

And there are still Republicans supporting the plan… 

We can stop this. We can win this fight.

With your help, we got Johnson to back down and denounce his own bill. That is a huge accomplishment!

But unfortunately, there is no shortage of cowards within the Republican Party who believe they can actually appease the cancel culture mob…

The only thing that can stop this surrender is you raising your voice right now!

Don't let this radical bill get pushed through! Please, you must send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and force them to KILL the Johnson-Lankford amendment to abolish Columbus Day to make room in the calendar for Juneteenth!


Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily

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