A few weeks ago, I warned you that Republicans were caving to one of the Democrats' demands, specifically on H.R.6666.
That bill — COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (Trace) Act — would set aside 100+ billion to help cities and states "trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts, through (1) mobile health units; and (2) as necessary, testing individuals and providing individuals with services related to testing and quarantine at their residences."
Yes, you read that correctly: the money would help cities and states enforce testing requirements and quarantine restrictions, even allowing government officials to enter people's homes to do it.
Quite literally, this is a bill to fund government programs that allow officials to force their way into people's homes. And the GOP is agreeing to pass it into law.
Democrats are calling this the Trace Act, and claiming it is all about contact tracing, but the reality is that it is written in a way that would allow the funds to be used in a clearly unconstitutional way: to help send government officials out to people's homes to enforce social distancing and quarantine requirements.
Now, this is an important caveat that the so-called fact checkers demand that we include. The legislation includes a promise that the funding will not be used to violate anyone's right to privacy. However, considering that this is coming from the political party that believes gun bans do not violate the 2nd Amendment, I don't trust this promise for one second…
The truth is that this is already happening. States like New York and California are already sending government officials to people's homes to enforce social distancing and quarantine orders. If New York City is sending government officials to people's homes, apartments, and hotels to enforce quarantine requirements for new arrivals. New York is requiring that anyone who arrives in the state from a coronavirus "hotspot" must quarantine indoors for 14-days. They are sending government health officials to people's residences to confirm that they are obeying Gov. Cuomo's demand. If they are caught ignoring the quarantine order, then they will be fined thousands of dollars…
In Los Angeles, Mayor Eric Garcetti is furious that people are holding get-togethers and house parties. He has ordered everyone to social distance, even if they are healthy. A little over a week ago, police were sent to mansions up in the Hollywood hills to break up house parties that were defying the lockdown orders. However, when police arrived, all they could do was issue the homeowners a noise warning. There is no crime against having people over to your house for a social function.
Mayor Garcetti hit the roof. He threatened to use every power at his disposal to punish homeowners who invite other people into their homes, and this week, he made good on that promise. City utilities officials have begun shutting off the power and the water to homes suspected of hosting parties or social gatherings.
The City of Los Angeles is, and has been for the last few days, under an "Excessive Heat Warning." People are being urged to remain in air-conditioned buildings as the outside temperature is expected to peak at 108° in certain parts of the city. What Mayor Garcetti just did could be a death sentence for elderly or otherwise at-risk homeowners. He just shut off the power and water during a heat wave, all because homeowners committed the non-crime of hosting a social gathering…
The shameful part is that if the Democrats get their way and H.R.6666 passes, Los Angeles could get reimbursed for the cost associated with sending government employees out to shut off these homes' water and power.
As I mentioned, H.R.6666 would give cities and states 100 billion in fiscal year 2020 so that they can conduct testing, contact tracing, and enforce quarantines in people's residences. But the important caveat is that fiscal year 2020 technically ends on September 30. That is just 41 days away. On October 1, the 2021 fiscal year begins. So, this 100 billion would be used to reimburse states for all of the unconstitutional lockdown orders they have already implemented.
But once the clock strikes midnight on the morning of October 1, that 100 billion cap disappears and the funding becomes technically unlimited. The legislation's wording explains that states would be able to use "such sums as may be necessary" to enforce their quarantine regulations.
Just to reiterate: this is a bill that would fully fund local and state government officials forcing their way into your home to conduct coronavirus testing and enforce quarantines (preventing you from leaving your home).
And the idiots in the GOP are agreeing to it!
The GOP is terrified of being blamed for the hold up in coronavirus relief. Even though Nancy Pelosi is the one blocking the bill in order to get her universal cheat-by-mail legislation passed into law, Democrats and the media are blaming Republicans anyway.
Senator Mitch McConnell is now offering Democrats a "skinny" relief bill. Instead of being all-encompassing, it would include some funding. And H.R. 6666 is at the top of the list to be added to that bill.
This is not fake news. We have literally quoted the legislation. If passed, it would provide unlimited funding to allow cities and states to force their way into your home. And as I just told you, the GOP is already caving on this measure. In their negotiations with the Democrats, McConnell and McCarthy are already agreeing to pass the Democrat "contact tracing" funding legislation (H.R.6666)
This is not a drill. I am calling on you to join our campaign today and help us KILL H.R.6666 before the Democrats and GOPers can push it through. I am calling on all Conservatives to rise up right now and help put a stop to this surrender before it is too late!
We can't do this without your help!
Don't let the Democrats push this tyrannical bill through!
Max McGuire
Advocacy Director
Conservative Daily