Today, Nancy Pelosi unveiled a new bill to remove the President of the United States from office.
The Left tried to remove Trump through the Trump-Russia witch hunt. When that didn’t work, they forced the appointment of Robert Mueller. When that failed, they tried to impeach Trump over a phone call. And when that came up empty, Nancy Pelosi decided to hold coronavirus relief hostage and refuse to pass anything unless Trump agreed to ridiculous demands, such as healthcare and stimulus payments for illegal aliens.
But through all of that, Trump kept marching forward. Now, Nancy Pelosi is taking the direct route. She has introduced legislation to create a formal process for Congress to remove the President of the United States using the 25th Amendment.
Luckily, Rep. Kevin McCarthy has had enough. He is now meeting with Republicans and Democrats to begin the process of removing Nancy Pelosi from power!
Nancy Pelosi says this is necessary because President Trump is in an “altered state” due to COVID-19 and his medication regimen. She says that is the reason for her new bill.
The 25th Amendment of the Constitution outlines how the President of the United States can be removed from office due to incapacitation. In order for the 25th Amendment to be invoked, the Vice President needs to agree with the move and one of two things has to happen: a majority of the cabinet has to support the President’s removal or Congress has to approve of it.
The Constitution is vague on what the Congressional option has to look like, so Nancy Pelosi’s bill would memorialize it into law by creating a Commission on Presidential Capacity. This would take the vote to remove the President out of Congress’ hands and give it to an unelected commission.
Enough is enough. Kevin McCarthy warned Pelosi weeks ago that if she went down this road, he would finally take the steps to remove her from office. And now, he is doing just that.
The Speaker of the House is not elected to a permanent position. In addition to her term ending at the end of the session, it is also possible to remove the Speaker using a mechanism known as a “Motion to Vacate the Speaker.”
When Pelosi took power, one of her first acts as Speaker was to make it harder to introduce a Motion to Vacate the Speaker. Before, any Member of Congress could introduce one as a “privileged motion,” which would have required a vote. Now, only the Majority or Minority Leaders can introduce a Motion to Vacate the Speaker and they need to control a majority of the House to push it through.
Kevin McCarthy is now having those meetings with Republicans and Democrats alike to forcibly remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.
As we have discussed in the past, the reasons are many. Nancy Pelosi has broken the law and disgraced the office that she holds. McCarthy knows that there are dozens of Democrats up for re-election in Pro-Trump districts.
If Nancy Pelosi’s speakership received a vote today, she would not win.
Kevin McCarthy is trying to force that vote, but he can’t do it without your help!
It is obvious that she is targeting Trump. But this will also make it easier for Congress to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris if they were to win in November…
Nancy Pelosi has truly gone too far this time. She is now rushing legislation to allow Congress to assign an unelected commission with the power to decide whether the President needs to be removed from office.
McCarthy promised weeks ago that if Pelosi tried to remove Trump, he would initiate the process
But it is up to YOU to force the vote!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily