Every single illegal alien in ICE and Border Patrol detention who is not suspected of committing a felony or violent crime is being released this weekend. Any "non-violent" illegal alien that Border Patrol catches moving forward will be immediately released as well.
Joe Biden promised to halt all deportations for 100 days after taking office, and he is doing just that.
Border Patrol and ICE received a memo from the White House this week with a simple message: "Release them all, immediately."
There is chaos right now in the southern border states. Thousands of illegal aliens are just being released into society and the illegals caught crossing the border are just being waved in…
Joe Biden has the authority to do this because Congress vested him with this authority. Congress has given the President the power to enforce our immigration laws as he sees fit.
Despite swearing an oath to see that the laws of this country are faithfully executed, Joe Biden is doing exactly the opposite. He is deliberately not enforcing immigration laws.
An illegal alien caravan from Honduras forced their way into Guatemala this week. Guatemalan military and police claimed that they broke the 9,000-person caravan up. However, after crossing the border, the caravan has now re-formed and is resuming their trek to the US-Mexico border, 3,000-strong.
Now, a second caravan is forming in Honduras as well. This is just the beginning. The world now knows that if they can reach the border and step one foot onto US soil, the Biden administration will allow them to stay.
Under Joe Biden's "Release Them All" executive order, when these caravans reach the United States, they will all be let in. We are being invaded and Joe Biden is facilitating it.
Even Democrats are starting to understand that this is madness. They are starting to question the logic behind simply letting all illegal aliens into the country. And even pro-amnesty Republicans are seeing the error of their ways. Marco Rubio – who co-sponsored Obama's amnesty bill – came out and proclaimed that he could not vote for any amnesty package until all Americans are employed first. Other GOPers like Lindsey Graham are also waking up as well.
We are launching a massive FaxBlast campaign today to force Congress to do two things:
1) Kill Joe Biden's open border amnesty bill. Joe Biden's plan to give 11-22 million illegal aliens a pathway to citizenship would destroy this country, which is why Democrats are so adamant about passing it.
2) Revoke Joe Biden's "Release Them All" executive order. There is no doubt that if this executive order is allowed to go into effect, innocent Americans will be victimized. Innocent Americans will die.
Congress gave the President the power to decide which illegal aliens should and should not be prosecuted. Congress has the power to strip that executive authority away as well!
We can put a stop to this. But if we don't do it fast, it will be too late. It will take a few days for Biden's executive order to go fully into effect. You must FORCE Congress to intervene now!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily