New York was the first state to roll out a “Vaccine Passport.” They call it the Excelsior Pass. The passport is designed so the state and private businesses can verify someone”s vaccine status before they are allowed to enter a building. After spending over a year taking away people”s freedoms and liberties, now the Left is only willing to give them back if people agree to get the shot.
But the New York vaccine passport is fatally flawed. Beyond the obvious unconstitutionality of it, the application can only access New York”s vaccination records. So, anyone who was vaccinated in another state will not be able to verify it. Considering how reliant New York City, in particular, is on tourism, this whole plan has been doomed from the start.
New York is now claiming that they do not have the resources to search through medical records in the other 49 states. They are demanding that the Federal Government step in and create a national Vaccine Passport to fill the gaps in their Excelsior Pass.
There it is. This is how the Left will force this tyranny onto the American people…
The Biden Administration promised again last week that the Federal government will not create a mandatory nationwide vaccine passport system. But that is a lie.
While the mandate will not come from Federal agencies, the passport will be used by cities, states, and private companies to force Americans to surrender their medical data.
Biden is working with Silicon Valley tech companies to help them create a vaccine passport system that can be used nationwide. The goal is that once this system is created, states and corporations can implement it.
Hawaii just announced that they will roll out a vaccine passport system for out-of-state visitors. They are working with the airlines and the same tech companies to create it. In order to cross a state border, visitors will now be required to furnish their private medical records.
This is what tyranny looks like. The Nazis had a similar program. Jews and other “undesirables” were given ID cards and if they wanted to leave their city or ghetto, they had to not only show their papers to police, but also provide a “good reason” for their travel. In the USSR, citizens were given domestic travel passports. Wealthy Russians could travel wherever they wanted but poorer farmers and factory workers had their travel restricted. The idea was that if the government restricted the travel of the working class, it would be harder for them to rebel against the government.
Now, with Biden”s help, cities, states, and corporations are going to be rolling out a similar domestic passport system. If you do not agree to receive a vaccine and then hand over your medical records, you will be denied entry to businesses, cities, and even entire states…
Among other things, the 4th Amendment was written to prohibit the government from searching or seizing innocent people”s “papers.” Your medical records are your “papers.” No government or private corporation has any legal or constitutional right to demand them from you.
Leftists used to believe it. In fact, Roe v. Wade was decided using this principle. The ruling was twisted. Murdering a child can never be “healthcare.” But the ultimate concept, removed from the issue of abortion, is still true: what goes on between you and your doctor is none of the government”s business.
The same Leftists who used to scream “My Body, My Choice,” are now demanding vaccine passports. They have no principles. Tyrants rarely do…
The Biden administration is moving forward with their plan to help create a nationwide vaccine passport. It doesn”t matter if Biden doesn”t make it mandatory. The Resident in the White House knows if he creates the system, cities, states, and companies will make it mandatory for him.
He must be stopped!
A lot of good Americans died to protect your liberty. They died to ensure that the kind of tyranny seen in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union never reached our shores.
Now, even though the pandemic is coming to an end, Big Government liberals want to force a vaccine passport on the country. They are refusing to give up their power.
If Biden creates this system, it will be too late to stop it. Once it is in the hands of cities, states, and corporations, they will make it mandatory. For example, if every airline adopts the system, then it doesn”t matter if the FAA makes it mandatory or not…
The time to stop it is NOW! And the person who needs to stand up is YOU!
Fight back against this tyranny!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily